Chapter 2

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On Monday morning Megan, one of my best friends, was eager to find out if I'd actually gone through with my plan.

"Did you do it?'' 


" Do you think it worked?"

'' Megan" I say with a sigh, "only way to know if it worked is if I get pregnant"

" I can't believe you went through with it, Lisa"

"Me neither Meg"

"But anyway, I don't really want to continue talking about it right now."

" Let's just,  go to class."

At lunch we met up with my other best friend Zara. I hadn't told her about my plan because I knew she had exceptional persuasion skills and would talk me out of carrying it out. I love her, but she was just too logical.

"Alyssa, I heard you went to The Party this weekend." she looked a little angry.

Shit, she found out. I need to play it cool.

"Umm, yeah I ...."

"And I also heard they saw you leave the house quite.... rumpled" shit I had to tell her now. I never go to parties and come out rumpled. It didn't matter anyway, I may be pregnant already. I couldn't keep something like this from her for long. She was part shark, part blood hound, she could smell bulshit from a mile away.

"Zara, I kind of have something to tell you, but please don't freak out, ok?"

"OK, but please don't tell me you have a disease."


"Alyssa, why the hell didn't you tell me?"

"I knew you would stop me."

" Of course I would, it was irresponsible and selfish Lisa. It's a baby you might bring into the world, not a tool."

"I know, I just need to get out of that place, and it was the only option I could think of Zara, I'll make sure the baby is adopted Z, I will never let it go into the system."

" Oh Lisa, I'm just worried about you, I know your what family situation is like, bringing a baby into the mix is going to make it worst, not better."

" Z, I have all planned out ok, trust me, please." I begged with a hopeful expression.

" You can't plan for everything, Lisa, something might go wrong and what will happen? We won't be there to help you, we'll be in college." 

"I ..." I didn't finish because she pulled me into an all enveloping hug. She's the best.

"I love you Lisa, but sometimes you give me migraines" her smile was a little bit pitiful, I usually don't appreciate pity, but coming from her, I don't mind it so much.

The bell rang and we went back to class. I didn't see Cameron,thankfully, but I did see Daniel and he winked at me, smug bastard. I gave him the bird.


When I reached home that evening, mom was there, sleeping on the couch and smelling like sewage. I tiptoed up the stairs and grabbed some clothes, I was not sleeping here tonight with her. I texted Megan that  was going to stay at her house.

When I got to her house we messaged Zara to come and join us. We talked nonesense for a while but the atmosphere felt tense.

" Okay, let's talk about it"

They glanced at each other but didn't say anything. I took a deep breath and I started speaking.

" I know what I did was wrong, and I know if it has the result I am trying to get, then I'll need to deal with all the ramifications that come with it."

" You know we'll be there for you, Alyssa, in whatever way we can."

" I love you guys, I know you have my back, always, but I need you to promise me that if I get pregnant  you will not to tell anyone about the baby, and if they know, I don't want them to know who the father is." I say it without taking a breath. 

" Lisa, he will need to know, he deserves to know" Zara said with irritation. She's always being an advocate of fairness and I know I would be telling her the same thing if it was her in my shoes, but I'm not and I know that makes me a hypocrite, but I just want it to be as smooth as glass. A father will only complicate things and Cameron Henry won't be able to take care of a baby. He's too irresponsible and how would be able to pay for it. I won't do that to my child. 

"Z  please, promise me, he doesn't need to know, I'll make sure the baby has a nice home, please."

"I-I....okay" she whispers.

 " But if he ever comes to me and asks me directly, I don't think I'll be able to deny it Lis."

" Alright, thank you, Z" its the best I will get from her, she is compromising her morals for me, and that is very rare for her.

" Don't ask me to do something like that again Alyssa." She the best friend anyone can ask for.

I turn to Megan. Her moral compass isn't as straight as Zara's, not that she doesn't have morals, but she is will always be easier to convince.

" You know I will Lisa, you know I will." a hug sealed that promise.


The weeks after passed in a blur of school, mom and regret. Regret, especially when my period didn't come on time. I was a week late when I panicked and called Zara and Megan to take a pregnancy test with me. 

"The ten minutes is up Alyssa". I took a deep breath and looked at it. Two lines.

"You're pregnant." Megan said. I wasn't ready. Oh goodness, I'm shaking.

"Shh, Lisa," she Megan pulled me against her, I hadn't realised I was crying," We're here."

I continued crying until I had no more tears, until my shaking stopped.  

" I can't do this girls." 

" You know you have the other option Lis" Zara said softly.

I have to be strong I did this to myself and there is no easy way out.

" No, it's not this baby's fault, I started this and I'll finish it."

This baby is my ticket out of here, graduation was month away, I would take a summer job, gather some money and leave before the pregnancy starts showing. I'll move to Crest City and try to get a job and start community college there. When the baby is born I'll take my mother to court for my money and I'll give the baby up after I win.

Everything went the way I wanted it to, except for the fact that I fell in love with that baby the moment I saw him. There was no going back after that. Erick was mine and I was going to raise him. 


So what do you think of Alyssa's mindset?

What about Zara and Megan?

What do you think will happen next?

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