Chapter 3

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8 years later

It's been eight years since I've been to Blue Creek, I never planned on coming back, but here I am, at the edge of the town, with two suit cases and my son. Most of the memories I made in this town aren't pleasant, with the expections being the ones I made with my best friends. I stand there hesitating, thinking about all those bad memories.

"Mom, the sun is too hooot" Erick whines.

His voice brings me back to reality. I look around

" Honey, the car rental is a couple of minutes from here. Stay close to me." I tell him and start walking.

We walk for less than five minutes before we reach Carline's Car Rental. When I enter I am first greeted by Randy Deckler. His smile is all encompassing and genuine, he had always been a nice guy in high school. He wasn't a close friend, but he was a friend nonethelesss.

" Hello, How may I help yo...." He stopped when he saw me.

"Hi Randy, I hope you remember me?" I say with a smile.

" Is this gorgeous woman before me Alyssa Macormik ?" I laughed at his compliment. I haven't gotten sleep for the past 24 hours, I definately don't look my best.

"The one and only. " I watch him as he gives me an appraising look.

"Mooom, it's hot and I'm thirsty. " Erick whines again. Randy's eyes widen. He must think I'm married.

" Right now sweetheart. Randy, is there anywhere here I can get cold water ?'' I ask a little embarrassed.  All the water we had was hot.

" Sure, just wait here, and I'll get him a cup." he says, still smiling.

I wait patiently for him as I look around the place. It looks exactly the way I remember it, the ugly art on the wall, the slightly water damaged ceiling, the newest thing is the coat of yellow  paint that looks to be about year old. I guess that's what sometimes happens when the owner dies and leaves the business to the nephew he raised. Nothing changes.

"Here you go", he passes me the cup of cold water, " it's nice to see you again after all these years Alyssa, so what can I do for you ?" he seems a little bit more business like.

" I need to rent a ......." I never finish because my phone starts ringing at that same moment. I know exactly who it is and ask Randy to wait a minute.

" Hello "

" Lisa at what time do you think we should pick you up on friday ? " Megan questions, they've been stressing out without me, like they don't have enough people there. They begged me to come earlier since Zara called me with the news, but I was busy working, finishing my nursing degree, applying for jobs and taking care of my son. I would have if I'd been able to.

" Umm, actually I'm here already. " I get the phone away from my ear.

" What ?!!" I hear her scream faintly, " Why didn't you tell us  ?'' I bring the phone closer to answer.

" Because I didn't want to mess up any last minute preparations you might be doing. I though you might be busy. "

" What? Stop being conciderate Lisa, I want to see my nephew, where are you?"

"Not me ?" I joke, " you've known me for longer. "

I can practically see her roll her eyes.

" Honey, you are too old for that."

" Fine." I say, fake hurt in my voice.

" We're at the car rental. "

" You haven't rented anything right ?, those cars are older than grandma G and prone to breaking down every five minutes. Wait for me, I'll go pick you up. "

" Hurry up then, because your beloved nephew is getting annoyed at this 'old place'. " I looked at him as I said it, he rolled his eyes playfully.

" Tell Auntie Meg I'm still waiting for my second Christmas present" he joked. His blue eyes sparkling with mischief. His brown curls were in disarray, I moved to fixed them.

" You heard that Meg, now you have to bring him his present."

" Tell him he still owes me a massage.''

" Tell him yourself when you reach." I laugh at their antics.

" Okay I'll be right there. See you Lisa"

" See you Meg."

I turn back to Randy and tell him that Megan will pick me up and apologize for the inconvenience. A couple of minutes later I hear a loud honk and Megan's voice calling me to get in the car. Randy helps me carry both suit cases to the car, and soon were off. Megan does have a present for him, a new notepad.


" Nothing has gone wrong since your last update I hope. " I ask Megan.

" The wedding preparations are going smoothly, Zara and Christina are really happy with the outcome so far."

That's the only reason I would come back to this town, my best friend is getting married. We had known Christina since high school but she had been from the drama club and we had never really been friends, but three years ago, Zara had met her at a bar in town and they had started talking. They hit it off and six month ago Zara had proposed. Now in two weeks, they were getting married at The Central Botanical Gardens. The ceremony will be small with only the closest family and friends present.

" What about the guests? none have cancelled right?" She hands me the list.

" But one was added. " I hear the concern in her voice and look up. She looks a little bit constipated.

" Daniel Henry is coming. " 

" What ?" I hiss and look back at my son who is drawing diligently on his new notepad, " why didn't Zara tell me. " 

" Because she knew you might not come if you knew. " 

" That doesn't give the right to hide it from me." I'm really angry right now, but try to calm myself to avoid my son's notice. He's very perceptive and curious, its hard to keep secrets from him.

" And why is he coming anyway, I didn't think he and Christina were friends?"

" And, isn't he suppose to be on tour?"

" He's Christina's brother friend, Lisa, and he was in town. It was a courtesy. "

" I don't know about the touring part, maybe he misses home?"

Shit shit shit this cannot be happening, the one time I come back.

" We'll talk about this later. "  

I don't think I can go to the wedding with the uncle of my child there. Erick might have my hair, but he resembles his father so much that I'm afraid people will notice, especially if Daniel is there to compare them.

I need to find a solution to this, I can't just miss my bestfriend's wedding when I'm already here. I can't leave Erick behind with anyone because everyone of my friends is going to be at the wedding, and on top of that Erick is the ring bearer and he was so excited to be of help to his auntie. Dammit what should I do?

What should Alyssa do?

What do you think so far ?

Do you agree with Alyssa ?

What do you think about her friends hiding that Daniel is going to the wedding ?


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