Chapter 1

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Previously on In His Arms:

"It's just us in here, Janette," Alexander growls, turning around to meet my eyes. "At the very least admit that you are mine."

Standing from the edge of the bed, I place Danny in the crib that resides near the bed though Danny whines a little at the loss of contact with me however he settles back into sleep soon enough. Before I can even straighten up to address Alexander, I am thrown backwards onto the bed with Alexander hovering over me, looking furious.

"Alexander, I-"

The rest of my words are lost in my throat when his lips come crashing down on mine in a torrent of passion and anger. It doesn't take me long to kiss him back and when his tongue slips into my mouth I taste the familiar metallic taste of blood that is probably from him kissing me so harshly.

Breaking away from me to trail kisses down my neck, I gasp for the much-needed air as he focuses on my sweet spot. His teeth bite down almost painfully on the spot but the mix of pleasure and pain has me gasping as an electric shock that runs down my spine leaves a spreading feeling of pleasure in its wake.

Oh god...he's very very angry.

My hands are tightly clenched at his shoulders as his body settles between my thighs, my body trembles when his crotch meets the apex of my thighs, my eyes widen in the realisation that he's staking his claim on me.

"A-Alexander," I stutter breathlessly as his hand slips under my skirt, brushing the holster that holds my mini Gp 100 Ruger revolver. "Please...not here..."

Alexander detaches his lips from my neck at my plea at least that's what I thought until he hovers above me with my revolver removed from its holster and in his hand. I watch silently as he studies the gun, flicking open the rounds to see how many there are and flicking it back once he sees that it's full with one fierce glare from his conflicted stormy grey eyes, he slides the gun off of the edge of the bed and to the other side of the room.

Far away from me...

"Admit it," He growls lowly, capturing my lips in a quick yet harsh kiss and pulling back before I can respond. "Admit that you're my Janette."

Leaning up on my elbows to get closer to him, our lips are centimetres away from each other when I whisper defeatedly, "I'm yours."

I half expected him to kiss me again to confirm my claim but to my surprise, he wraps his arms around me and pulls me to his chest basically pulling me to stand as his chin rests on top of my head allowing him to breathe in the scented mix of lotus flowers and roses that is my hair.

Pulling away from me after a while, Alexander grips my biceps tightly to hold me in place in front of him as if I would take off running the second he lets go of me and I can't blame him for thinking that way after all the last time we saw each other, I was running off with Eugene.

"Are you mad at me?" I mumble quietly into the silence that hangs between us, avoiding eye contact with him. 

"Should I be?" He asks back, causing me to look up at him in shock. "You had your reasons and you took the liberty to explain your situation to me even though you were under the impression I am an innocent man."

'Innocent man', I echo his words in my head, wondering briefly why he said I was under the impression that he is an innocent man and then I remember how I even came to be in this house in the first place. He's Daniello's son..making him...

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