Chapter 6

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Before anyone can say anything about my state of undress, a large T-shirt is pulled over my head and I'm covered to the knees. Looking behind me with an apologetic smile, Alexander shakes his head at me as he gently guides me to sit at the breakfast bar.

Preparing a western breakfast for the two of us, Alexander produces a warmed plate of waffles and fruit in front of me and a plate of bacon, sliced avocado, tomatoes, toast and eggs for himself. Once I begin eating the buzz of conversation returns and the awkward atmosphere lifts.

"Do you always walk around your home in such clothing Alastora?" Shino teases me as he puts a piece of fish in his mouth. "It's very unbecoming of the lady that my wife taught you to be."

Beside me, Alexander chokes on his toast resulting in him taking a large gulp of water to mask his loud coughing which makes the corners of my lips lift in an unexpected smirk as I give a taste of his own medicine back to my mentor, "Your wife did teach me how to keep my man satisfied in bed, Shino Sensei. Don't tell me she doesn't do what she taught me to do."

The resounding snorts into their food and the amused silence that fills my home cause my future husband to choke on his water which, to be honest, did nothing for his previous choking. Mentally rolling my eyes at his antics, I rub his beck to relieve his coughing while the stunned silence from my mentor continues.

"And here I thought only Danny needed to be spoon-fed," I joke at Alexander who lets out a short laugh in between his chokes. "Do you need me to feed you too?"

Rolling his eyes at me, Alexander downs another gulp of water before his coughing finally ceases and he goes back to eating his breakfast. Fifteen minutes after finishing my food, I find myself bent over the nearest toilet throwing up whatever I've eaten while Alexander holds my hair away from my neck for me and Shino stands worriedly at the doorway to the bathroom.

"Have you been throwing up often Janetta?" Shino asks me once my body stops wretching. "It could be food poisoning. What have you eaten lately?"

The sound of my voice startles me seeing as it's hoarse and scratchy which has never happened to me before when I vomited, "Nothing much. Some marinara pasta now and then or double-boiled chicken soup. I can't seem to stomach anything other than these two foods."

Both men look to each other with their brows furrowed as they try to make sense of what I just said. The conclusion comes down to, one of Shino's female fighters to take me to the doctors while the rest of them move to Daniello's home to prepare for tonight's raid.

Knowing that even if I gave them a good reason for me to not go to the doctor's they'd probably still force me to go, I reluctantly shower and change into a simple grey, turtle neck, sleeveless dress with a black belt around my middle to go to the doctor's office.

Mai Yamaguchi, a female comrade that I had grown up alongside with follows silently after me as I leave the penthouse. The walk to the doctor's office doesn't take us very long but unexpectedly I find myself to be very winded from the short walk which tells me that something is seriously wrong seeing as I was fit as a fiddle just the day before.

The doctor's appointment takes two hours before I'm on my way home with a bag of medicines to take every day for the next two weeks until I can set up an appointment at a hospital. Mai has a wide smile on her face as she walks beside me, her head held high as she hums a Japanese nursery rhyme to the air in front of us.

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