Chapter 1-Sagekit

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Sagekit looked around the camp as the sun was at sunhigh. The camp was large and surrounded by impenetrable hills on all sides that were covered in very thick trees. The entrance was on one side and was a small cat dug tunnel in a hole. The entrance and exit were covered in brambles. A large boulder stood across the clearing from the entrance. It was known as Chief Rock, for it was where the chief gave announcements. Behind it was a small cave where the Chief slept. To the right of it, halfway down the camp, was a large bush that served as the warriors den. In the corner of the same side was the small cave that was for the Learners. In the opposite corner of the camp on the Chief Rock's left side was the nursery, which was a small space dug into the side of the hill. The Mender's place, called the Healing Den, was not far off from it in a natural cave inside the hill. Lastly, down the same side was the elders den, which was a large, rotting log. Plants and dirt covered the camp's walls and ground. The dirtplace was just outside of camp behind the apprentices den a few fox-lengths back. The weather was cloudless and sunny, a perfect green-leaf day.

Sagekit was full of energy to play on this beautiful day. She loved her home. A light breeze ruffled her her ginger and white fur. Her very dark blue, almost purple eyes looked around in happiness. Several cats milled around the camp doing various tasks or talking.

Sage-kit was enjoying her day. Today she had turned 3 months old. Sagekit had been born on the third full moon of the year. She loved and trusted her mother Rockheart, a black and white cat with blue eyes, and her father Flowerclaw, a ginger tom who also had blue eyes. Her life was fun. She got to play with her siblings and her friend. Sagekit was used to walked on her backwards front left paw she was was born with. She could run around like any other cat. She fit in like any other cat. 

It was tradition for kits to be named after their eyes opened. She was named for her almost 0purple eyes after the purple sage flower, a plant native to only Valleyclan land. 

Her mother was ashamed for injuring her. She had jumped onto a rock that was by a stream to show to the apprentices how to do it. But the rock had been slick and she fell, injuring Sagepaw in the womb. Rockheart later said that she was told by a Starclan that the jump was safe. But her mother wasn't sure and dismissed the memory as a dream.

Today, she wanted to do something besides play with her siblings Snowkit, a white she-cat with blue eyes, and Skunk-kit, a ginger tom with blue eyes. Nor did she want to play with Badgerkit, a light orange tom, as he always made fun of her for her paw. Her sibling Snowkit was the same way. But she was good friends with Badgerkit's sibling Sunkit. Badgerkit was named for his long claws, and Sunkit for her fur. They were the offspring of Honeypelt and Goldenheart. They had been born a week after Rockheart gave birth to her. Sunkit and Badgekit were twins, both with light orange fur and green eyes.

 Sagekit and Sunkit just made good friends. They just felt connected in a way, like sisters. They acted as sisters and had lots of fun together. But today Sunkit was playing with Badgerkit. Sagekit decided to go to the elder's den.

The clan elders were the she-cat Sandclaw, a former Mender,  and Stonestar, a retired chief. They had fallen in love and decided to retire so they could have kits. Stonestar's last mate had broken up with him long ago for a reason she didn't know about. But he needed love, and Sandclaw had given it to him. But they sadly never had any kits. They both didn't like her, it seemed half the clan didn't, and she didn't know why.

She always thought she was stared at for her odd appearance. But Rockheart, her mother, told her to ignore it and that she as normal. She would tell her why when she became an apprentice. Among the cold people she knew were included Sunkit's parents and sibling, but Sunkit was nice to her. The other half was nice to her. It wasn't being mean and nice that was the difference, some were just friendly and open, and others were cold and harsh. It seemed as if there were two divisions in the clan. But she didn't care. She always enjoyed being a pest towards the elders and liked their stories.

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