Chapter 11-Seeing The Past

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-1 Half-Moon After Chapter 9-

Today was the day of the half-moon. Today would be Sunpaw's first meeting with the other Menders of the other clans. They has had gathered at the Tree Memorial. It was an area in the center of all clan territories except Valleyclan. It was a large patch of grassland with five, large birch trees; you the biggest and most thick in all of the land.

It served a triple purpose. This was where all the clans held a peaceful meeting on the full moon called "The Moon Talk." Secondly, it was also where the Menders meet as well to meet on the half-moon. It also served as a place where all Clan cats were buried, each tree serving as a grave for each clan.

Tonight, I become the Learner of Valleyclan's Mender, when it should have been Sagekit. But alas, one must follow to their leader's words. Sunpaw remembered her conversation with Birchstar a few days after Sagekit went into her coma. They had spoken in the Chief's Cave.

"Sunkit, I must speak to you about making you the next Learner to the Mender." Birchstar had said to her. Her copper eyes gleamed in the sunshine.

"But that was meant for Sagekit! Sure she is out right now, but she came do to it eventually!" Sunkit had protested.

"Yes, I know my dear. But I have a quite a few reasons why." Birchstar replied.

"Such as?" Sunpaw asked.

"For one, you never know when a Mender will die, and so we need a Learner as soon as possible to have the skills passed down. Few cats ever show any interest, making this is even further important."

"But surely you could wait a moon of two?" Sunkit argued, her fur bristling at the nasty thought of taking Sagekit's dreams away. That wouldn't be right!

"Perhaps we could," agreed Birchstar, "But only you have shown a special connection to our ancestors that Menders need. I am talking about that prophecy we still haven't told anyone about. There's also the fact that Birchleaf was told in her dreams to bring you along on the day that you found Ravenkit."

Sunkit looked down in defeat. To her surprise, Birchstar embraced her with her tail. "I am sorry for your friend, but I am doing what I think we should for the health of the clan. I'm sure that your friend will understand. Do it for me, accept it for clan."

And so I have chosen this path for my clan and my leader. I still do not think that this is right. But clan comes before kin. One must abide by the Code of the Clans. Tonight was the night for her ancestors to accept her. All the kits, including her, were now Learners with the last name paw. Even Sagekit was now Sagepaw. Birchleaf has spoken for her, as she could not speak for herself of course.

After walking for some time, through the fresh smelling Valleyclan land, and the musty smelling Marschclan, Birchleaf and Sunpaw strolled into the large grassland of the Tree Memorial. Sunpaw gazed in awe at the size of the trees. Each one as white as could be. They towered into the sky, twice as tall as the tallest trees in their territory. The trunks were as think as perhaps ten cats laid around.  In the middle of the clearing, all the other Menders from all the other clans were already there.

"Hello my friends," announced Birchleaf to them all, "I have come today with a new Learner. Her name is Sunpaw." They all greeted Sunpaw one at a time. 

The musty smelling Marshclan cat was a brown tabby Tom with dark green eyes names Spruceheart. The Lakeclan she-cat, smelling of fish and sand, was black with blue eyes; her name was Starktail. There were two Brookclan cats that smelt of wind and water. The mentor was a gray and brown she-cat with golden yellow eyes named Frogleap. The Learner, names Ravenpaw, was a brown tom with copper eyes. From Blazelan there was also two Menders. The mentor was a ginger, amber eyes tom called Firepelt. His Learner was a brown she-cat with green eyes; her name was Barkpaw.

After the greetings has ended, the ceremony began. All of the other Menders sat quietly and watched as Birchleaf began. Sunpaw stood before her.  "Today, we witness another one of us come to be. Sunpaw has chosen to be a Mender. She has chosen to follow us in our ways, to do our duties, to follow our code, keep our secrets, to listen doe our ancestors, and keep watch over her clan. What has thy to say to this?"

Sunpaw shifted her feet nervously. She still didn't like this, but she had no other choice but to follow along. Quietly, she mumbled, "I will do my best to do all of those things until my death or until my heart goes astray. I will forever more be bound to the Mender Code."

"I now pronunce you Sunpaw, Learner to the Valleyclan Mender." Birchleaf finished.

Barkpaw, the brown she-cat Learner from Blazelan, padded up to welcome Sunpaw. "Welcome," she spoke, soothingly and smoothly, "It will be nice to have another friend in another clan." Sunpaw thanked her and Barkpaw passed away. Everyone else came up to welcome her. But the Lakeclan she-cat Starktail frightened Sunpaw.

She had whispered to Sunpaw, "You are now my enemy for saving the life of that killer Ravenkit. Watch your back." Then she stalked away back to her place. After Starktail's welcome, they all went to sleep to see what their ancestors had to show them.

Sunpaw closes her eyes and opened them to a wild scene. A steam was thrashing as the wind howled, the pain pounded, lightening flashed. By the stream shore stood a bloody black and white she-cat. She was surrounded by a few others cats. Another one was in from not of her, scowling at her for some reason. Sunpaw ran down from the treeline to stand beside of them. They did not  notice her. Every cat was tense and full of anger. 

What is this is? It has to be some sort of  dram or vision obviously. They cannot notice me in any way. Then she recognized the tom who was yelling was Stonestar. By my ancestors in the sky, why am I seeing in him in this vision? I should just listen to what he is saying I haven't been paying attention! Opening her ears, she heard what the two bickering cats were saying.

"Genocide is an answer if there is no other way! Sometimes reasonable cats must do unreasonable things ! And it is not the disabled's fault! It is their parents! But even so, they need to be helped, not rejected! Menders do not do the same things a the rest of us, and yet they get treated the same! How do you explain that?" the she-cat argued, her ice blue eyes wide in anger Who is she? She seems to have radical view on how Valllyclan works. This must be back when Stonestar was still a leader. 

Stonestar immediately shot right back. "They are chosen by Starlan! They deserve their treatment! It is like how different leaders are, getting nine lives! You are wrong either which way! Enough arguing is enough! It is time for your death! Warriors, this is my fight alone! I will get revenge for my father's death!" What? This cat killed his father? No wonder he is beyond mad right now! But a Clan leader killing her in revenge? That's just not right! 

The two began to fight. The black and white she-cat swung her claws at Stonestar, which he dodged, returning the favor to what he had done first. Then he was on top of her in an instant. Her also words were spoken then. 

"I will have my revenge no matter what!" she blurted out loud.What is that supposed to mean.

"Get revenge from the realm of the dead? I think not Brightwing!" said Stonestar. Then he stuck her throat, flinging her blood across the sand and himself. That's his daughter? Sunpaw almost couldn't believe what she had seen. I've heard stories about how he had to kill his own daughter Brighwing. But to see it is a whole other thing!

Then she could hear nothing and the vision began to fade. All she saw was that the cats left her body behind and that is was set alight by lightning. Then Sunpaw heard ominous, whispering voices all around in. "A storm is coming to flood the clans. Only you can stop it." Then she awoke, her fur risen in fear. Bird.....Bird is Brightwing! They look exactly alike! No wonder she didn't like talking about her past.  That means I was roaming The-Realm-Of-Banishment, not The-Realm-Of-Eternal-Peace! But is the prophecy she gave me fake then? But I can't tell Birchstar ahi this; Brightwing was her sister! That means I cannot tell anyone else! If I am to save the clans alone, however that may happen, I can trust no one outside of  my family. My good ancestors must be warning me with this vision to beware of Brightwing!

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