Box of Chibis

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Author: HEY!!!!!!!!
ThatWeirdo2007 : Hey, author, stop yelling when your only two inches away from me!
AshleisAwesome : JUST SHUT THE FRICK UP!!!
vincethegrape : *sigh* Okay, guys, why is there a box of chibis in the corner?
kirbystar568 : Uhm...I guess Author stole it from the drug store...
Author: *pats his head* DANG RIGHT YOU ARE!!! HEY! ITS FULL OF AKASHI'S!!!
kirbystar568 : Uhm...thanks? I don't know what to feel...happy or scared...
AshleisAwesome : Well, at least we can summon anything we want...
vincethegrape : Finally, you became quiet...
Author: P...
AshleisAwesome : O...
Kd_Mode : O...
Author: POOF!!!
(All of them transport to the Fnaf dimension)
vincethegrape : Where the f*uck are we author!?
Author: I'm here to work with these dumbasses for a week with you guys!
Kd_Mode : Oh dayuuuuummmm...
Author: What?
kirbystar568 : *points to animatronics* DAYUUUUM...
Author: Guys, since we're here, all the girls become bus and vice versa...*laughs crazily*
To be continued...

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