Hey Scotty~

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Author: I'm back!!!
Scott: Hey, Yani~
Author: Look what I found guys~!!!
Mike: *snatches the picture* *nosebleeds*
Kd_Mode : What is it Mikey? *looks at picture* OM GOSH...SCOTTTYYY!!!!
Scott: What? *looks at photo* VINCE!!! WHY!?!??
Vincent: I got bored so I slept and accidentally gave it to author.
hikyuu89 : What is it?
vincethegrape : *covers his eyes* No need to know...*blushes*
ThatWeirdo2007 : Yeah...no need for you too kirbystar568... *covers his eyes*
kirbystar568 : Aww, I wanna see!!!
Author: Was this...ah! I remember! I was the one who tied him up for Vincent's b-day!
Killua135 : Author...you saw?
Author: I was blindfolded.
AshleisAwesome : I was with Author when she did that! ^\\3\\^
APHFNAF : Me too!
Scott: Wait what!? I didn't see you!!!
Vincent: Too cliche Author...too cliche...
Kd_Mode : What ever...IM BURNING THAT PHOTO!!! *pulls out flame thrower* YEAHHHHH!!!
APHFNAF : *puts on mask and holds the photo*
Author: WAIT!!! *snatches photo* I'LL DO IT!!! *breathes fire*
Scott: Thank you Author!!!
Author: Good thing I have an extra that's framed! 😁
Scott: I'LL BREAK THAT!!! *charges to Author but stops*
Author: Not so fast Scotty, there is a rule wherein you are not allowed to harm a framed picture!
Yohan: I'm ba- *sees picture* Oh my...*smirks at Scott*
Scott: *blushes*
Bonnie: Can we watch anime?
Author: I noticed something...
ThatWeirdo2007 : What?
Author: It's already been one month...
Kd_Mode : Oh...what's the next dimension?
Author: We'll have to see...POOF!!!
(Author and the others teleport to the anime dimension)
vincethegrape : What the fuck! Where are we!?
Kd_Mode : Look...*points to a pink school*
vincethegrape : AHHHH WTF ITS PINK!!!
Author: I think I know where we are...*smirks evilly*AshleisAwesome , do you know what I'm thinking?
AshleisAwesome : I definitely know...*grins*
Both: OURAN ACADEMY!~!~!~!
Author: I call dibs on music room #3!!!
AshleisAwesome : ME TOO!!!
hikyuu89 : Wait, what's Ouran Academy?
vincethegrape : Author already left...
Yohan: Let's just go to the music room 3...
(All of them finds music room three and Author and AshleisAwesome plays over who gets to open the door)
kirbystar568 : Hey guys!
Author: I GET TO OPEN!!!
AshleisAwesome : MMEEEHHHHH GETS TO OPEN!!!!!!!!!
Author: Too late...*opens door and bright light shines*
Tamaki: Welcome to the Host club!
Hikaru: Who are-
Kaoru: -You guys?
Author: I'm Yani Peters! Pleasure to meet you! I am daughter of the number one illustrator and writer of books in the world.
Yohan: I'm Yohan Peters. I'm her twin..
vincethegrape : Uh, awkward...
Kd_Mode : I am Kd_Mode ! I am daughter of the most eligible game creator and scientist!
AshleisAwesome : Hi! I'm AshleisAwesome ! I own a medical company supplying all the hospitals in the area of Asia!
Kyoya: Ah, your that girl who my father is always talking about.
kirbystar568 : I am kirbystar568. I am the heir to our family's school company.
vincethegrape : I guess you could say I'm the most keenest soldier in our family's soldier whatever.
APHFNAF : I own the worlds biggest toy company!
ThatWeirdo2007 :I'm ThatWeirdo2007. I am in cooperation with Yani's company.
Killua135 : I am number 1 street fighter and worlds number 1 boxer!
Huni: Hello! Usa-chan wants to say hello too!
Mori: *Nods*
Haruhi: Hello!
Author: I still don't get it...
Yohan: Why is Haruhi wearing a boys uniform? She's a girl!
Author: Wait, wasn't there a debt she had to pay?
APHFNAF : Right! She had to pay-
Kd_Mode : The vase she accidentally broke-
vincethegrape : When she first came here!
Author: Right?
Tamaki: How...
hikyuu89 : Hi sorry, I forgot to say Author is a assassin/spy!
Kyoya: Oh, that explains the micro chip detector she's holding...
Author: Oops...
ThatWeirdo2007 : Anyways, I was going to say if we could wear boy uniforms as well but...
Tamaki: Hello father.
Yuzuru: Tamaki, here are the uniforms for your new friends. Yani's mom called. She said they'll be studying here as exchange students from Germany!
Author: Korrigieren! Danke!
Yuzuru: We're planning to put you two in a fixed marriage.
Tamaki: I'm fine with that😃
Hikaru: Boss!
Tamaki: Don't worry, it dosent mean I will be married and shut down the club. I will marry her and continue the club!
Author: I actually don't care but I love Tamaki. I don't care if he looks at other girls than me. I know he would never cheat.
Haruhi: Congrats you guys! When's the wedding?
Yuzuru: When they graduate! Right on the day of recognition!
Author: Oh...
APHFNAF : CONGRATS BESTIE!!! *puts an arm around author*
Kd_Mode : YOUR GROWING UP SO FAST!!! *puts arm around author too*
Author: Thanks guys but I'm suffocating...
Both: Sorry!
AshleisAwesome : Remind you of anyone Kyoya? Hmm?
Kyoya: How 'bout if we put a boys side to the host club. The hosts will be girls while there is still boys.
Tamaki: Great idea!
Yuzuru: I'll leave you to your plans! *leaves*
Kyoya: Is that okay?
AshleisAwesome : Author?
Kd_Mode : Pretty please with a green cherry on top??? *puppy eyes*
Author: Fine...
ThatWeirdo2007 : *bark* Yeah!
Author: I'll be the opposite of Haruhi.
Kd_Mode : I'll be opposite of Hikaru.
APHFNAF : I'll be the opposite of Kaoru.
ThatWeirdo2007 : I'll be Huni!
AshleisAwesome : I'll be Kyoya.
Author: But there's no Mori...
Bun_Sama02 : Hello Author!
Author: Found one!*pulls Bun_Sama02*
Bun_Sama02 : What?
Mori: Hello sis.
Bun_San : *nods* What is it Author?
Author: You'll be the girl version of Mori.
Bun_Sama02 : *nods*
Author: One problem...
Tamaki: What is it honey?
Author: There's no you.
user57008032 : Author~ *hugs author*
Author: I hate to say this but...I found one.
user57008032 : What is it~?
Author: You'll be the girl version of Tamaki-chii.
Tamaki: Cute nickname Author-chan!
user57008032 : The flawless me? I suppose...okay!
Kd_Mode and APHFNAF : *claps stupidly in awe*
Author: This is my first time to say this so...I'll keep quiet for once... -_-"
Killua135 : VERY GOOD AUTHOR!!!
vincethegrape : FINALLY!!!
kirbystar568 : HAPPY!!! AF!!!
hikyuu89 : Wait a minute...how about our classes? Verfasser?
Author: Ich werden geben sie später.
Kd_Mode : Einverstanden!
Tamaki: Woah, German...
Author: We also know Italian...all of us is part Italian.
Huni: I wanna hear!
Hittachins: Us too!
Author: Bene!
Kd_Mode : Se si concordare.
Killua135 : Noi volontà!
Tamaki: Yeay! Author, you can speak English now.
2p!Author: Hello! I'm 2p!Author!
Tamaki: I'm still in love with original Author.
2p!Author: Idgaf...
Tamaki: What?
Author: Nothing...Hallo! Bruder!
Yohan: Come? (Italian for "what" just so you know)
Author: Lascia trovare un albergo.
Yohan: Ok.
(The twins left leaving the host club standing there stupidly)
AshleisAwesome : *sigh* She said, "Let's go find a hotel". Okay?
Tamaki: Thank you but, you could stay at your opposites house. Author will stay with me of course.
Bun_Sama02 : Why don't you call her by her name?
Tamaki: Yani? She doesn't like me tusing her name.
user57008032 : And why is that?
Tamaki: Because she likes the title Author.
ThatWeirdo2007 : No wonder she is always mad when we say that.
Kd_Mode : Können gehen zuhause bereits...
vincethegrape : ,Wo?
Killua135 : Ihre herrenhäuser.
hikyuu89 : Einverstanden!
(All of them leave the host club and go to the gate with the host club members standing there stupidly again)
ThatWeirdo2007 : *sigh* They said let's go him already and where and their mansions and okay! Okay? Translated?
All of them: *Nods*
Tamaki's place
user57008032 : Wow! This is such a big and beautiful mansion!
Author: Yeah, no wonder it felt bigger the last time I was here.
Tamaki: Yes indeed. Author will be in my room and you will be in the guest room.
user57008032 : Okay!
Tamaki: Practice? I mean, we're getting married after all. *winks*
Author: *Blushes madly* O-Okay...I love you even though you're stupid and *whispers* cute...
Tamaki: Hehe, my little girl.
Kyoya's place
AshleisAwesome : Hello! I'm here for Kyoya? Is he here?
Fuyumi: Yes! He's in his room. Wait, do I know you from somewhere?
AshleisAwesome : Yes, we supply you with t-
Kyoya: I said I'll answer the door. Welcome AshleisAwesome . Your room will be across mine. *puts out his hand*
AshleisAwesome : *takes it* Thank you!
Hitachiins place
Hikaru: So this is your room!
Kaoru: We'll be on the other side of the hall so just call us if you need anything.
Hikaru: Then if they call us, *puts hand on his twins waist* how are we going to play doctor?
Kd_Mode : HAHA! Doesn't work on us...*closes the door*

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