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Author: *cleaning the attic* Oh, *picks up a picture* What's- *realizes* TAMAKI!!!!
Tamaki: Yes? Hurry, I need to wear clothes...
Author: WHATS THIS!? *shows him the picture above*
Tamaki: I-Its not what you think-
Author: Why didn't you tell? I could've asked uncle to stop the marriage!
user57008032 : This is worth billions *videos*
Author: I'm going to tell uncle Yuzuru~
Tamaki: *holds her hand* Please...no...
Author: Huh? Why?
Tamaki: *Hugs her* I don't...want you too...
Author: *Kisses him* Me either...but, I know you don't love me that way...you love Kyoya.
Tamaki: You don't mind?
Author: I don't! Besides...I have somebody else in mind...(You know yourself hikyuu89)
user57008032 : And upload...*uploads video on YouTube * *gets a billion views* Ah heck yeah!
Tamaki: I love you Author but thank you. I'm going to have to retrieve the ring.
Author: Here! Catch! *throws ring at him*
Tamaki: *catches it* Thank you!
Author: Willkommen!
user57008032 : Omg...9 billion views!? Author is so going to be mad with me...
Author: *screams*
Tamaki: What is it!?
Author: *throws her phone to Tamaki*
Tamaki: Oh, look, we went viral.
Author: Nope, I mean, this is the first time I got 145 views. I mean, this book is crap! And what do you mean we went viral?
Tamaki: 145 views? Ah, on this book?
user57008032 : Oh no author...you just...
Author: I just what?
user57008032 : You just broke the fourth wall...
Author: Really!? Omg! Dream come true! KYYYAAAA!!!
user57008032 : It's not a good thing author.
-Funtime-Foxy- : *bursts through a window*
-Funtime-Foxy- : What?
Tamaki: What is that!?
user57008032 : *sigh* She said...
Author: (100% English) BBBUUUUUUUSSSSSSSS!!!
(Bus plummeted from the mansion roof killing everyone painfully and slowly crushing their skulls and crushing their hearts stoping...*maniacal laugh*)
-Funtime-Foxy- : *slaps author* No!
Author: Oowy...meanie! Schuft!
-Funtime-Foxy- : *sticks out tongue* Blah!
Author: Ficken sie!!!! SCHUFT!!!
Tamaki: You do know that the bus didn't affect anything since your playing with dolls right?
Tamaki: Your leaving already? Aww! *pouty face*
Author: Don't worry! We'll come back if someone dares us too!
hikyuu89 : Right! Hey guys! We are accepting dares! So anything above what your thinking!
Author: Wait! Not that far! And guys...wow! Thank you to those who read this!
user57008032 : YOUR BREAKING IT!!!
hikyuu89 : *hugs Author* *blushes*
Author: Now now...we will do some asks to! *pats hikyuu89 's head*
kirbystar568 : Meh...maybe we could go do something...
ThatWeirdo2007 : Maybe we could go to the skating rink!
vincethegrape : HI GUYS!!!
Yohan: We drank last night and it still didn't wear off.
Killua135 : AND IT *hic* WAS GREAT!!!
AshleisAwesome : So...technically you drank without permission from author right?
Kyoya: She begged me to accompany her...
Author: Now that you mention it...where are the twins and Mori and Huni senpai?
Kd_Mode : Oh right...uhm...
APHFNAF : Hehe...we accidentally left them...
kirbystar568 : Haya...we'll get them...
Hikaru: Hey guys!
Kaoru: We're here!
Kd_Mode : *triggered*
APHFNAF : *triggered*
Yohan: Don't even think about it! *slaps both of them*
Kd_Mode : Oww!
Bun_Sama02 : Ha...
user57008032 : Aren't we going to school?
Tamaki: Yes.
------------Ouran Academy-------------
Tamaki: Listen lady's!
Kyoya: We are opening up a girl host club wherein our friends...
Author: *bows*
Student1: Wow! She's so pretty!
Student2: Does she study here?
Kd_Mode : Hello-
APHFNAF : -Lady's and gentlemen~
Student3: Omg! So cute! *faints*
AshleisAwesome : We will be entertaining boys but ladies are welcome too.
Boy1: Wow, we get to be entertained by these girls?
Boy2: I want to visit as early as I could later.
Bun_Sama02 : *nods*
ThatWeirdo2007 : And we will have lots of cake!
Boy3: Wow she's cute...
user57008032 : And we will also cooperate with our boy counterparts...for my sweet princes!
Boy4: Will I ever get over this club?
PurpleBonnieBunnie : Hey author!
Author: Hello PurpleBonnieBunnie !
PurpleBonnieBunnie : What's happening?
Tamaki: Hello! Are you another princess? *caress his cheeks*
PurpleBonnieBunnie : N-No...I'm actually a boy...
Tamaki: Really?
Author: Biologically...he is!
PurpleBonnieBunnie : Why do people mistaken me as a girl...
Author: I'm mistaken as a girl but I'm not any gender!
Kyoya: The opening will be later! Come as early as you could...
Author: For you see, we will only stay until next week! We are dimension travelers!
Girl1: Oh, that means we'll not see you?
user57008032 : Don't worry, we will come back~ *holds her chin*
Girl1: I will wait f-for that! *blushes*
user57008032 : *pecks her on the cheek*
Students: *faints*
Author: I'm actually quiet for once...I'm going to die...
hikyuu89 : My Author...*pouts* *hugs him/her*
Author: *kisses his/her forehead*
AshleisAwesome : Now that's! Young love...
Kd_Mode : *slaps* No! That's old love!
APHFNAF : They have been dating for three days now!
AshleisAwesome : Nobody told me that!
Yohan: Neither did I! Author! I thought you had a fixed marriage to Tamaki!
Author: He...loved Kyoya more so I ship it!
Kyoya: Wh-WHAT!?
Tamaki: B-but I didn't tell him yet! Author!
Kd_Mode : Isn't it obvious enough?
APHFNAF : We actually knew that!
Tamaki: I suppose you hate me kno- Hmph!!
Kyoya: *kisses Tamaki on the lips*
Author: We'll entertain! You have fun! *whispers* I'll get it all on tape...
hikyuu89 : What?
Author: Nothing!
------------------Club Hours--------------------
Authors Table
Author: Yes, I have always been mistaken for a boy! Heh...
Boy2: Well, it's pretty obvious to us that your a girl!
Boy1: Yeah! Whoever called you a boy is a stupid person!
Authors mind: What the fuck! These damn rich people dun ain't know how to curse...well, they are just sons a a stupid mother fucking bitch that is always saying bullshit and some other crap like that...I hope they didn't have messed up child hood like mine...
Boy2: Uhm...Author?
Author: Oh! Sorry! I was just thinking of something!
Boy3: Its okay!
Kd_Mode and APHFNAF's Table
APHFNAF : She then accidentally shouted out to a complete random stranger! Haha!
Boy1: *chuckles* That's a little embarrassing...
Kd_Mode : Very much...*looks away dramatically*
APHFNAF : Aww, I'm sorry, I won't do that again.
Kd_Mode : Really?
APHFNAF : Yes...*pulls her tie so it unties*
Kd_Mode : Oh, not here it's so embarrassing...there are people...
Boy2: *passed out*
Boy1: *freaking out*
Boy3: *fanboying*
Bun_Sama02 and ThatWeirdo2007's table
ThatWeirdo2007 : Hello! Sorry to keep you waiting! I had to wait because Bun_Sama02 had taekwando practice!
Boy1: It's okay ThatWeirdo2007! You didn't make us wait!
Bun_Sama02 : *nods* *puts ThatWeirdo2007 down*
user57008032's Table
Boy1: Oh, user57008032, you are so beautiful!
user57008032 : I know!
Boy2: May we request you again tomorrow?
user57008032 : *straddles him* Anything for my prince~
AshleisAwesome table
AshleisAwesome : ...And that's how we met!
Boy2: Wow! Amazing story! What other stories do you have?
AshleisAwesome : I have a photo book of all members here! Only 190¥ each! Make it 400¥ I'll give it all!
Boy3: I'll take one!
Boy2: Me too!
Tamaki: May I request Author?
AshleisAwesome : Of course! She is right over there! *points to Authors table *
Tamaki: Thank you!
AshleisAwesome : Wilkommen!
Tamaki: *Walks up to Author* Hello Author!
Author: Hallo!
Boy2: Oh! Your German?
Author: Korrigieren!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of the day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Author: Servus!
Boy1: Thank you!
AshleisAwesome : Who knew entertaining men was tough!
Hitachiin's: Hey! We are not that bad!
Author: I wanna sleep!
hikyuu89 : I wanna sleep with you!
PurpleBonnieBunnie : Go sleep on the floor then!
vincethegrape : That just hurts...
-Funtime-Foxy- : You actually feel hurt for author?
Killua135 : Now that you mention hurt...where is Author?
kirbystar568 : Probably out there, looking up ways to kill people by words somewhere...
hikyuu89 : What?
kirbystar568 : Nothing...

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