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I realized my stop was before Jimin's after he fell asleep. I couldn't stand to wake him up though. He was too precious. He was trying so hard not to cry. And I made him forget about it completely. His smile is my new favorite thing. He's so small and beautiful, I can't help but to want to be near him.
The bus stops at my stop. Multiple people get out. Then it starts to drive away. I can easily walk back. Plus I need to stay outside more. I'm getting sick from not doing anything. Thats why I was sent him early. Plus Namjoon doesn't want to get sick, even though he's sending Jin over to take care of me.
It gets to the stop before Jimin's. I lay my head on his. "Jimin, your stop is next," I say.
He groggily wakes up and looks around. He sits up more, placing his small hand on my thigh trying to move around. I bite my lip as he removes it. So many sinful thoughts rush into my mind about his rant ands and his plump lips. I try to shake them away but they never leave. It's illegal, I remind myself.
"Ugh, I don't want to leave," Jimin mumbles. He lays his head back down.
"No, Jimin, your parents will worry if you aren't home. C'mon," I say. I pick up his back and grab his hand. The bus stops and I drag him off the bus. "Now where's your house?"
He looks at me with wide eyes. "What about you? You got off at my stop!"
I smile and nod. "My stop was a while back. I can just walk."
He frowns. "I feel bad now. You're going to get sick."
I chuckle. "I already am. It's alright. My apartment is only about two blocks away. Let's get you home."
He lets go of my hand and takes his bag. He looks at the ground while speaking. "I don't know how happy my mom would be if she saw you with me. She doesn't like me to be around older people. She's afraid they'll hurt me or make me do things with them."
I frown but nod. "It's no problem. I'll see you soon," I say.
He nods. "Bye Hyung." He swings his bag over his shoulder and starts walking up the street. I walk towards my apartment. My apartment is on the fifth floor, I decide to take the stairs. I open my door and immediately smell food.
"Jin hyung?"
"I'm the kitchen," he says.
I take off my shoes and find him at the stove. "God, it smells so good," I say.
Jin smiles. "Well, Joonie said you were sick. This will clear your throat and nose. And it's very easy to digest," he says. He grabs a bowl and fills it. He hands me it and lead me to the couch. "Now sit, rest, and eat."
I smile and start eating it. "It's so good thank you."
Jin looks at me and smiles. "Why are you so happy?"
I shrug. Jimin, that's why. "I met someone."
Jin coos. "What's his name? If he cute?"
I nod. "His name is Jimin. And he's the cutest. He has the prettiest eyes and his lips are so pink and plump. He's smaller than me, he fell asleep on my shoulder on the bus."
Jin smiles. "Sounds like your in love. You should invite him to hang out when you get to know him better. I'd love to meet this man who makes you so giddy."
My smile drops. "That's the problems. He's just a kid. Like seventeen I think is what he said."
Jin frowns. "Yoongi, that's a seven year age difference."
I groan. "You don't think I know that? But god, I can't help my feelings. He's just to perfect."
"Is he even gay?"
I shake my head. "He says he's not."
He sighs. "You're just setting yourself up for failure."
I nod. "I know." He pats my head. "It's okay, Yoongi. Maybe he just hasn't come to terms yet. Maybe he'll realize it once he's old enough," he says.
I nod and turn on the tv, signifying this conversation is over.

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