Forty two

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"Just stop. I know you're upset, but he didn't mean anything to happen."
I look up from the bottle of alcohol I was drinking. "He doesn't remember anything. What if he did want it? What if he had sex with someone? What if someone hurt him?" I ask. My words are slurred. I've taken a day off from work to just get wasted. It's been three days.
"He doesn't remember it, it wasn't memorable!" Hoseok says. "You can't let this small problem ruin your relationship!"
"He cheated on me!" I exclaim. "Someone else kisses him where only I am aloud too! He's mine and someone else has marked him!"
"You're treating him as if he's an animal," Hoseok says. "He doesn't belong to anyone. He chose to be with you, that doesn't mean you owe him." He takes the bottle from my hand. "It's time for you to sober up and talk it out."
I shove him and stand up. "You can't make me. I'm perfectly happy like this," I grumble. I grab another beer from the counter and take a drink. "And if you can't deal with it, then fucking leave."
"Go be with your new boy toy. Shove your dick in his ass or something."
He slaps me. I look at him with my mouth wide open. "Shut the fuck up Min!" He yells. "Just because you can't solve your problems downy mean you need to make more for everyone else. You've been a pain in my ass since Saturday. No one else wants to come and comfort the baby because you are the worst when drunk. "
He continues. "You can be rude to me. I can take it. You've made me used to it by now. But you will not insult my boyfriend nor yours or so help me I will drag your short ass to their houses and make you apologize."
"I'm sorry, am I getting a ride out of you? Maybe I'll go finger your boyfriend and see how you like it," I spit. "Or maybe I'll just fuck with little kids relationship to the point that they're fighting and crying."
"Yoongk, shut up! You're being a bitch that everyone hates! No wonder Jimin goes to parties and gets so drunk he can't remember."
I tackle him to the ground. I punch his face a few times before he shoves me off and pins my arms down. "You are a complete asshole. You need to grow some balls and calm him. He's probably been crying for three days straight. He hasn't been answering his phone to any of us. Jungkook went down there yesterday and he had been locked up in his room. Do you realize you're hurting him more than he hurt you?"
"He probably thinks you'll break up with him. You realize how much you're messing with the kid?" Hoseok says. "You have to get your shit together. You told him you need time to think, but you haven't been thinking at all. You've been drinking."
"It's helping me solve my problems," I shove him off of me and go to the kitchen.
"Just like it solved his mom's?" He gives me a cold stare.
"No. No! I'm nothing like her!" I scream.
"Prove it! She was an abusive drunk who ignored Jimin until she started beating him!" He yells back.
I pull at my hair and hit my head on my cupboard. "I'm not like her. I'm not like her."
Hoseok grabs my head and rests it on my forehead. His thumbs rub calming circles while he stares into my eyes. "Sh, you're okay. Why don't you take a nice warm shower. We can call Jimin when you aren't drunk."
I nod and wipe my eyes. I hold him tightly. "Thank you for always being here Hoseok."
He hugs me back. "That's what brothers do. I love you and I'd do anything to help you. But Jimin is waiting."
I nod. "I love you too." I pull away and go take a shower.
Hoseok pats my arm. "It'll be good. Just go inside," he encourages. "His dad's home, so no make up sex."
I breath out a laugh. "Okay. I'll be back." I climb out of Hoseok's car. The walk to the door is what I dreamed, and knocking is what almost killed.
His dad opens it. "Hey, Yoongi," he sighs.
"Is Jimin home?" I ask shyly.
He nods. "I hope you know what's been going on. He's locked himself in his room. I only know he's alive because I'll set water bottles and plates of food out. He only takes the water bottles though."
I bite my lip. "I think I can help." He lets me in. I go straight to Jimin's room. I try to door handle and of course it's locked. I knock on it.
"Dad, I'm sleeping," he groans. His voice is weak, and broken.
I feel myself breaking down. "Baby, it's Yoongi." I knock again when he doesn't reply. "If you don't open the door I'll have to break it down." Still silence. "One, two,-"
The door opens. The blonde haired boy looks at me with tired eyes. His face doesn't have its usual glow, his eyes are dark with circles around them. His clothes are wrinkled and he looks like he hasn't seen the light in days. The worst of all is how sunken in his cheeks are. The once full and chubby cheeks are now thin and he has very prominent cheekbones.
"Baby," I reach for his small hand. He pulls it away, not looking at me. My heart breaks.
"You said you needed time. I thought you meant a day. Not a whole fucking week," he cries. "I thought you were done with me. I thought we were over. I said sorry, and I meant it. I feel so bad. You left me waiting for a week. I gave up after day five."
I wrap my arms around his waist, which has gotten significantly smaller. I cry into his shoulder when he doesn't hold me back. "I would never break up with you. I was off being stupid and I tried drinking away my problems. I'm sorry I made you give up. I love you so much and I never what you to suffer. I forgive you for everything. I just want you to be happy and healthy."
He breaks down. The tears flow down his face faster than I thought they ever could. "I keep having flash back of what happened that night. I couldn't remember anything at first, but I keep having reoccurring visions."
I rub his back. "I don't care. I forgive you. I love you. I don't care if you cheated on me."
He lets out a shuddered breath. "I think I was raped."
My legs give out. I rest my head on his stomach. My hands hold his waist. "No, please tell me that's not true," I cry. He sinks down next to me and pulls me close. His once warm hands slide under my shirt. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," I kiss his lips. "I'll protect you. Forever I will. I love you so much and nothing will ever stop that."
He nods. "I love you too hyung." He yawns and rests his head on my chest.
"Let's get some sleep baby. We both are pretty tired," I pick him up and lay him on his bed carefully. I take my chord and jeans off. Jimin is wearing on of my shirts I gave him when we were first dating. I wrap my arms around him and pull him close. He falls asleep to easily. I can't sleep though. I promised I'd protect him and that's what I plan on doing.

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