Chapter Two

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 The next morning when Diana bangs on my door and screams to get downstairs for breakfast, it takes me long enough to get going I know I'm going to be yelled at again. I'm sore from last night, I knew I would be. I groan quietly as I stand and pain shoots up my legs through my back. I change as fast as I can and run down the stairs. Pain is shot up my legs and back with every step, but I ignore it the best I can and keep running.

 When I get to the doors to the dining room I slow down, I'd get yelled at more if I just barged in. I carefully open the doors and step in, looking at the floor. I make my way to my assigned seat, which was away from the other kids. Diana thought it'd be punishment keeping me away from them, but I liked it. I didn't have to be around Tony and the rest, but I wouldn't tell her that. She'd sit me with them, then.

 "Archer, would you like to explain what took you so long?" I heard Diana's annoying voice speak out from behind me. "We've been waiting on you." 

 "I-uh-I'm very sorry, Diana." I spoke, but it sounded like a mumble. My voice was very quiet by nature, and most the time people didn't hear me anyway. She slammed her palm down on the table in front of me and I flinched. 

 "Look at me, Archer." She spoke in a low voice, and I did. You could see the evil in that wretched woman's eyes. She hated us, except for Tony. She adored him. But of course, they were just alike. How could she not?

 "Yes, Diana?" I spoke as loudly as I could manage, but was still quiet compared to the others. She slapped my head, and I brought my hands up instinctively to protect myself. 

 "I asked for you to explain, not an apology, Archer! Listen carefully, will you?!" She screeched and I flinched yet again. 

 "I-ay-uhm-well, I fell, and I-" I stuttered my words, trying to find an excuse, but she didn't waste any more time getting to her point. She slapped me on my face this time and I cried out. She smiled a twisted smile and walked away. I just sat in my chair with my head on the table until it was time to go. I knew she'd yell at me, but she must be in an extra bad mood today. 

 I walked out of the dining room, I hadn't ate anything, but didn't plan on it. I didn't eat much, not because I wanted to starve myself, I just wasn't hungry and if I ate much when I wasn't hungry I'd get sick. 

 "Hey, Shailene!" I heard Molly call and I looked over reluctantly to see her and Ashley standing in the next hall looking at me. I walked faster to my room but I heard footsteps behind me soon, and realized they were following me. I ran to my room and heard them pick up a run behind me, but locked my door before they could get to it. I sat on my bed and got my iPod out and put my headphones in.

 Sleepsong by my favorite band, Bastille, came on and I tucked my knees to my chest while the song played. When it was over I tucked the iPod and headphones into my pocket and checked to see if Ashley and Molly were still outside my door, but they were gone. I went to Diana's office door, but hesitated before knocking. We all got two hours out of the care home every week, and I hadn't used mine yet this week. She's in a bad mood, but I really need out of here...maybe I'll get lucky and she'll let me go out.

 I let out a breath I had been holding and knocked on her door, She told me to come in, and I slowly opened to door just enough for me to walk in. I didn't completely shut it behind me and held the handle, in case she went off I would be able to get out faster.

 "Oh, what do you want?" She said in a bitter tone.

 "I was wondering if I could use my two hours for the week, please?" I asked loud enough for her to hear, and she was silent for a minute.

 "Fine, but not a minute over two hours, Archer." She said and I smiled a little in thanks and clicked the door shut behind me before running out of the care home as fast as I could, maybe no one would see me leaving this time.

 I ran to the park and sat on the ground with my back on one of the benches by the pond. I pulled my knees to my chest and closed my eyes for a minute, listening to the sound of the water and my breathing. It was nice to smell something besides the stench of that wretched place.

 A few minutes had passed and I felt a hand on my shoulder, I screamed and jumped away, but instead of hearing Steven or Molly, I was met with the striking blue eyes of the man from yesterday. I scooted a bit farther back for good measure, I don't know him, I don't know his intentions.

 "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, are you okay?" He asked with a concerned tone and I calmed a little bit. I nodded a little, too startled to really talk. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I didn't know if you were okay." He said, he was crouched down so he was on my level, which helped me calm down some more, he didn't seem like a threat.

 "It-it's okay, I'm o-okay..." I said, but it was so quiet I'm surprised he heard me. 

 "You're the girl the other kids were chasing yesterday, aren't you?" He asked and I nodded.

 "Uh, yeah, I-I am." 

 "Are you okay? Like...are they after you now?" He asked and stood up, reaching out a hand to help me up, which I took very hesitantly. 

 "I'm fine now, and no, well, I don't-I don't think they are." I said, looking over my shoulder out of habit.

 "Okay, I'm sorry I scared you." He said again. Geez, why does this guy apologize so freaking much? 

 "Y-you're fine. I'm sorry for screaming." I said to him. I kinda feel bad now for wondering why he apolgosizes so much, he is probably thinking the same thing about my stuttering. I'm such a jerk.

 "Oh, sorry, I'm Dan." He said and held his hand out again. I flinched a little and looked at it then at him before shaking it. His hand swallowed mine whole.

 "I'm Shailene." I mumbled and he smiled, dimples showing.

 "That's a pretty name." He said and I smiled a little. "I like it."

 "I-well, I like yours, too." I laughed a little and he did, too.

 "Naw, Dan's like the most common name." He said and I frowned.

 "I still like it." I stated and and smiled.

 "Well, thank you Shailene." He said smiling and I smiled back at him. Now I was starting to feel really bad, he seemed really nice.

 "You're welcome, Dan." I smiled. I actually was starting to feel a little comfortable with him, which is kind of sad. I've known him for all of ten minutes and he's the only person I've felt this comfortable around since I've been put in the care home. He's the only person I haven't worried if they're going to hurt me for the last ten years.

 His phone buzzed and he pulled it out before frowning and looking to me. "I'm sorry Shailene, but I'm going to have to go. It was nice meeting you." He said and smiled.

 "You, too, Dan." I said to him and smiled back.

 "Hope I see you again!" He said and turned to walk off, waving over his shoulder. I sat back down for a few minutes before getting back up and going over to the Starbucks. I got a hot chocolate and after I paid the woman I sat down and drank it. I spent the rest of my time just sitting there and listening to music on my iPod. 

 When the care home was getting back into sight I ran a bit faster. I walked through the front door to see Diana screaming at Ashley, this is odd. 

 "What do you think you're doing?!" Diana screamed at Ashley, but she looked angry and screamed right back at Diana. 

 "It's none of your business!" She screamed, her voive just as bad as Diana's.

 "You know you only go out when I tell you to!" Diana screamed again and I flinched back from the sound, catching her attention. "You, Archer, go to your room right now!" She screamed and I ran to my room, locking the door behind me.

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