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Now that we start talking again, we have to stop. It's not because I want to stop, it's because I have to stop. You're like a poison, no more like a toxin. You're toxic to me. If I go without talking to you, it'll be fine. But once we start, so do my feelings. I can't put myself through this again. Especially not as the same time as last year. This never ends, well at least it hasn't. I don't know when it will. When my body finally knows how to control itself, or maybe even yours. But I'm so tired & I just don't know what to do about it. Never did and never will. You are my toxic poison. My feelings get so caught up so easily by you and I don't know what to do but be confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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