Chapter 10

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"come on sweetheart grab your things we're leaving"

"coming mom" (y/n) said as she packed her bags not with clothes but with little souvenir and nick knack she believed she'd need for her stay with Loki. The whole shared custody things worked out great. (y/n) spent the first six months with her mother at first it was awkward but a little later the two did develop a mother-daughter bond, not as strong as most but still there.

The next six month, of course, was spent going on adventures with Loki and Alien friends. It was amazing living in two different places two different worlds. With her mother she had a closet of simple clothes, she had home cooked meals, was homeschooled. and everything was simple with her mother. With Loki she either had a closet full of royal, Alien, and battles clothes or a bag, she ate things from literally from different worlds, she was occasionally schooled by teachers from different worlds and Loki, everything was always an adventure they never stopped moving they were all over the galaxy.

She had the best of both worlds.

"(y/n) let's go"

"I'm here, I'm here, I'm ... here" (y/n) jumped down the stairs and landed in front of her mother. Her mother placed a hand on her cheek she had grown so much she was 15 years old now, the years flew by quick

. Her mother smiled sweetly and said "if you ever jump down the stairs like that again I'll kick your ass, kk"

"yes, ma'am"

"now get in the car. The others are waiting."

"Can I drive" (y/n) put her hands together and pouted

"Safely" her mother tossed her the keys not sparing her a glance.

If (y/n) could fly a spaceship in a war zone, without her mother ever knowing, then she could drive a car in god-awful traffic. (y/n) told her mother almost all her space adventure. Her mother tried multiple times to talk some sense into Loki and stop the adventures but it was no use (y/n) always came home talking about a new adventure.

"They're waiting, They're waiting" (y/n) chanted as she drove. "we're here" (y/n) screamed pulling up in on empty field to see the Avengers waiting to see her off.

"Hey, Princess" Bucky shouts as (y/n) jumps out the car and into his arms.

"Hi, Hi" she greats everyone in her usual fashion.

"You packed and ready to go," Steve says

"awe man, you're leaving us again" Sam fake cries

"she leaving us for good this time" Clint joined him with fake tears.

"you guys. I'll be back and I'll take lots of pictures and bring back souvenirs and samples for Brucie. It won't be that long" (y/n) tries to reassure everyone. The always made a big deal out of her leaving. If it was up to Tony they would throw a party every time she left and came back.

"Yeah, it's just six months," Bruce said

"26 weeks" Tony sniffled

"182 days"

"4,380 hours"

"262,800″ minutes"

"15,768,000 seconds" Tony choked on a fake sob.

"you google didn't you" (y/n) put her hands on her hips and gave them a stern look.

"yep," Bruce said

"we sure did" Tony agreed his fake tears long gone.

(y/n) laughed this happened every time she left never changed they were always counting down. If only they knew how big the numbers really were.

"don't mind them (y/n). You go on" Natasha encouraged her " go have fun" Wanda pushed. (y/n) blew everyone a kiss and gave everyone a hug.

"tell point breaker and rock of ages hey for us," Tony said

, "of course".

And in a flash of light (y/n) was gone only thing left the Asgarden imprint that would be grown over in a few weeks. "and she's off" Bucky said

"to save the galaxy," Ms. (L/N) says.

"Welcome back," Heimdall says as (y/n) walls through the portal.

"Thank you, Heimdall, It's nice to see you again. Did you miss me?" she walked up the platform to hug him she knew it wasn't allowed but she missed him so. Plus she never followed the rules.

"Of course, how could I not" he kissed her for head "The King and the Prince await for you"

"will you please escort me?" this also wasn't allowed but (y/n) was basically the Princess so he couldn't say no. He wouldn't have any ways.

"Of course"

The two rode horse back to the palace. (y/n) smiled as the golden doors came to view. Her smile grew as her walked up the shining steps. The guards by the door smiled as they saw her coming.

"are you ready?" Heimdall asked as they stood outside the palace doors.

"ready to be welcome home" My second home.

As the doors opened (y/n) saw here second family. Valkyrie, Korg, Meek, Volstagg, Hogun, Fandral, Thor, and Loki. Her second- no extended Family.

Loki was the first to step forward and hug her. He hugged her real tight and kissed her forehead.

"welcome home, darling. Are you ready for your next Adventures?"

(y/n) smiled looking around the room all of her interglacial family was her side from the ones on earth. She looked up at Loki and said

"I'm smiling aren't I"

Would they Still be smiling? (Loki fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now