Chapter Two

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I've figured that coffee wasn't really my thing, but if you're ever stuck in class with Mrs Clarke, one of the most boring teachers in the school, you probably need it.

It was hard to stay awake in History when your eyes were practically dropping to the floor, and mine was. Good thing Mrs Clarke didn't notice or I would've had to stand on one leg while listing the main factors of the French Revolution or something.

I sighed. I missed Al.

We took every class together except for this one. He took Art History instead because he said it was more 'colourful' and 'exciting'. But we both knew it was basically almost the same thing. I mean, come on. History and Art History.

They both had to be related at some point in history.

I sighed again. I actually really missed him.

Not just because he's my best friend, but also because I liked him.

A lot.

I liked the fact that he's so funny and sarcastic and cute and witty and that he's so smart, he outranked me in almost every subject. In fact, he was one of the smartest in our grade, and I was just average. No wonder he was the best debater in the team. He deserved it.

I was nowhere close to that. I wasn't good at debating or talking in front of people. In fact, I had stage fright. The severed one.

I remember that one time when I was forced to join this stupid public speaking competition. I was so nervous that day of the thing that when I got onstage, I couldn't let out a single word. Well, maybe I did a few, but, it was still really bad. I remember getting laughed at the next day of school. I was so embarrassed but luckily, Alex was there for me.

That's when I started to like him.

The only thing I'd joined was the school band and I'd picked up the clarinet. I'm not going to lie but, I was kind of good at it. Al said that I was really good, but I'd just shrugged it off and said it was nothing while I tried hard not to blush.

See, Alex liked to compliment me and make me feel good about myself. And I appreciated him for that. Like I said, he was kind. He liked to help others even if they were strangers.

Of course, without forgetting the stranger danger thing. But most importantly, he liked to help me. I guessed, he was the world's best friend.

God, I missed him.

Usually, during other periods we would make jokes about stupid things and we would even go as far as making bad puns. Alex was really good at making puns and letting out witty comments. It was like his specialty. I was good at being sarcastic and the only person who really understood me when I was in that state was none other than Alex himself.

I was too deep in thoughts about Alex and his traits that I didn't notice that Mrs Clarke had called my name.

"Yes?" I said, standing up. She looked at me straight in the eye with her look of doom and asked "Who was the leader of the Jacobite during the Siege of Carlisle in 1745?"

"Charles Edward Stuart" I answered immediately.

She nodded and told me to sit down. Phew. Good thing I did my reading the night before. Now, if I were to prevent something like that to happen again, I better pay some attention in class.
I carried my tray and head over to my table where I saw Alex sitting alone, waiting for me. I excitedly hurried over. "Hey, Al" I said, placing my tray on the table. Alex, who was eating soup at that time, looked up at me and smiled.

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