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Everyone was in the training room of the Bellwood plumber headquarters. It was very similar to the one in Japan. Everyone was fighting a robot trying to destroy it. The door then opened and max and Chronos walked in.

"Ah. Magister Tennyson. Chronos. You are just in time to watch training." Rook Said. He gestured to them. "While accelerator and koruko have not been in practice before. They are naturals." Rook Said.

"What about touma. His ability effects espers and magic. Not aliens and science." Chronos Said.

"Ah. Touma has gone off towards the firing range to practice firing a gun." Rook Said.

"Gather everyone in the lab. We will tell you what we will do once there." Chronos Said. Rook nodded. After that he gathered everyone into the lab. Once there they found Azmuth working on a machine.

"Azmuth." Rook Said in greeting.

"Rook. Now. Would any of you like to guess why I had you all gathered here?" Azmuth inquired. Brenda raised her hand. Azmuth nodded.

"To discuss your machine?" She asked.

"Hmm. That's partially true. I have gathered you all here today so that we may use this machine to improve your esper abilities." Azmuth Said. Accelerator groaned. Azmuth looked at him from the corner of his eye. "Is there something you would like to say akihiko?" Azmuth Said accelerator froze at that. "Yes I know your name." Azmuth Said with a smile. (Don't think that it is his actually name as his real name is unknown. That is simply a name I thought would be funny to use for accelerator.)

"Akihiko?" Mikoto Asked. Slightly grinning. Then she and kuroko burst out laughing.

"How ironic." Brenda said.

"What I don't get it?" Jenna said.

"Akihiko means 'bright boy'. It is ironic with accelerator being who he is that he is named 'bright boy'." Brenda said.

"Ahh." Jenna said understanding.

"Ok. So this machine makes our abilities stronger. How?" Accelerator Asked.

"I thought you might ask that. It's a simple procedure where your DNA will be infused with alien DNA that will match your ability and enhance it. For example miss Mikoto here might get the DNA of a gimlinopithecus or maybe a conductoid. As for you three-" azmuth said pointing to touma, accelerator, and kuroko. "It's a guarantee that your DNA will be mixed in with that of a celestialsapien." Azmuth Said.

"But wouldn't that give them more abilities?" Brenda asked.

"Oh most certainly. They'll gain new abilities based around their old abilities. But no these three won't gain any celestial powers that do not involve their current abilities." Azmuth Said.

"Why not?" Gwen asked.

"Because the machine won't overwrite their DNA with that of a celestialsapien. It will simply partially mix their DNA with a celestialsapien. Thus causing the area of the DNA where there abilities reside to be enhanced leading to new abilities that are the next form of their current abilities." Azmuth Said.

"So instead of new abilities mine and their abilities will simply be getting a level up?" Mikoto Asked

"Precisely." Azmuth Said. Mikoto looked down then up. She clenched her fist.

"For ben." She Said. She then walked forward and stepped on the machine. "I'm ready." Mikoto Said. "Bring the pain!" She yelled. Azmuth pressed a button and a ring fell down and lasers went up and down her body. Then it stopped. Then a little tray cake out towards her with a set of pills. "Huh?" She Said.

A certain scientific protector from the extraterrestrial (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now