part twelve- An internet relationship

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I threw on Sean's t-shirt and my denim shorts. I pulled my hair up into a pony tail and Sean opened the tent and helped me out. Sean was looking me over with a look of lust in his eyes, that made me slightly embarrassed for some reason because I could not have looked good right now.

"Hey Cir, How's your head?" a tall muscled man asked while handing me a bottle of water and some paracetomol.

"That's Jason." Sean whispered from behind me. He wrapped his arms around me folding his hands across my stomach and resting his head on my shoulder.

"Im sorry " I told Jason "cant really remember last night that well."

He laughed and told us he was going to wake the others. Sean filled me in on all the names again from last night and things began to get a lot clearer.

"I...ehh...didn't do anything too stupid last night did I?" I asked.

"Nope you were the life and soul of the party. We did go for a swim though you remember?" I shook my head in response "we did. Your friends and my friends got on exceptionally well by the way"

"really! How well?" I asked happily.

"That well" he said pointing at a tent where Lisa emerged with Aaron who I remembered from last night. Her hair was messy, in a sexy way and she was wearing just her bikini. He kissed her briefly and wound their fingers together and walked towards us.

"Good morning guys" I said smirking.

Lisa gave me her "don't start" face. My stomach grumbled and Sean kissed my shoulder blade.

"I think its time for breakfast" he said "sorry to leave you guys but you have lifts sorted yeah?" he asked

"don't worry about it" Aaron said "ill sort it out" and it wrapped his arm around Lisa.

"tell everyone we said goodbye ok... I see you for training tomorrow night anyway yeah?" he nodded

I gave Lisa a hug and whispered "you be ok?" and she nodded. "ill text you later ok"

We packed all the stuff in Sean's car and drove to the nearest Café. We ate breakfast and drank our tea slowly.

I let out a yawn. "im really tired" I laughed.

"yeah me too" he said and placed his hand over mine. It was really warm after being on his mug of tea.

"want to come back to mine and go for a sleep?" I asked. Did this sound weird? I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable but he did look pretty tired and he had all that way to drive.

"and wake up next to you for the second time today? Yes please. Lets go." He said taking my hand and leading me out to the car.

We arrived at my house not too long later. Sean carried in all my bags.

"Im home" I shouted.

"in here pet" I heard my mam yell from the kitchen.

"hey mam, we are really tired. We're gonna go for a lie down ok?" I said walking out again.

"hold it! Ciara, you can not sleep with Sean!" she whisper shouted.

" its not like we are going to do anything? Number one, I am way to tired and number two, Lily is probably going to be in the room"

She stared at me for a moment assessing the situation. "I suppose" she said "did ye have food?"

"yeah we stopped on the way here"

"Ok pet ill have dinner ready for when ye wake up" she told me.

I took Sean's hand and lead him to my room. He dumped my bags in the corner. Surprisingly Lily wasn't there! She must be out. I took off my denim shorts and climbed on top of my bed, pulling the blanket from the end up with me. Sean slipped off his t-shirt and slid in next to me. He pulled me against him and I placed my hands on his chest. I put head in and his kissed my hair. I sighed contentedly closing my eyes.

I felt Sean stiffen against my thigh. I looked up into his eyes.

"what?" he said "I cant help it with you this close to me. it has a mind of its own"

I reached my hand up behind his next and pulled him down to kiss me.

"get some sleep" I whispered to him and kissed him again.

"easy for you to say" he grumbled.

An Internet relationship Where stories live. Discover now