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Dahyun POV




We all speak at the same time but when we just realize what Chae-young said the three of us laugh out loud. My stomach hurts from laughing.

"Chaeyoung-ah you must be really hungry haha..."-dubu.

"Yeah, I really am Dahyunie" -chaeng.

"Just a little more chaeyoungie the bell is gonna ring soon"-yoda

"Ugh, why is soon? why not now?why lunch time is so long?"-chaeng.

"It's not that long your just impatient"-yoda.

"No, I am not"-chaeng.

"Yes you are"-yoda.


"Yes, yes and yes you are don't deny because I've known you since kindergarten chaeyoungie. So stop denying and whining just wait until the bell rings. Okay?"yoda.

"Yeah, yeah tsk..."chaeng said while pouting her lips.

"Okay!?" putting her two hands on her hips like an angry mother always do.

"Ye okay, okay"-chaeng.

They like siblings fighting because Chae-young looks like she's being scolded by her older sister. I wish I have a sister but nah that's not going to happen because my mom is already dead so no one will gonna give me a sister.

I shook my head to let go my thoughts and remember that I wanted to say hi to my seatmate. I turn my head to the left to face him. My heart melts when I saw him sleeping peacefully.

He looks like an angel from heaven. Why do I felt like I've finally found a very important part of my life? Part or a person?

Nah this is not a fairy tale story dahyun-ah. There is no prince charming in real life pfftt...

I pushed the fiber of his hair to the side because it's blocking his face that I want to see. 

"I bet when you become a teenager you'll be the school heartthrob, JEON JUNGKOOK."

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