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"Okay, Jungkook can you raise your hand?"

WAIT, WHAT? I look at her in confuse. Although I already know why she says my name. It's just I don't want her to sit beside me.

I'm not saying that don't like her but I also not saying that I like her either. I-I ahh don't like her to sit beside me because I am afraid of her. I mean g-girls.

Hajima Jungkook-ah, you don't have a choice anyway because there are no other chairs left.

I decided to raise my hand up while letting out a heavy sigh. She started walking towards the chair beside me and sit down after then she puts her bag on the floor. The girls that sitting in front of us turns their heads to talk to her and here I am just listening and watching her every move.

"Hi, Dahyun right?"


"Wow your so energetic by the way my name is Son Chae-young and this is-"

"Yah I can introduce myself."

"TSK.. alright, alright.."

"Hi, my name is Chou Tzuyu nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too, the both of you. Ahh sorry for shouting I am just excited because you guys talk to me"

"Ohh it's okay"

They talk and laugh not knowing that I am here watching them.

Her voice is the only sound I can hear. The view of her laughing and giggling is the beautiful scenery I ever saw.

My heart is pumping like crazy. It is so loud and fast. I place my right hand on my chest feeling my heartbeat on my own palm. I never felt this before.

Do I have a heart disease?

Omo am I having a heart attack right now?

Am I going to die?

Wae? WHY ME?!!


My eyes slowly closing and my sight it getting dark.


Sorry, guys my writing limit is short..✌️✌️✌️😘😊

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