Chapter 6: Hello Again, Love

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Ok, so it's been forever. And quite frankly, it will probably continue to be as such, but I had a little extra time today and decided to write again. Here's a little Lloyd x Shimmer fluff. ;D


Lloyd's POV:

Zane had come inside a long time ago. He said he had told Shimmer all that had went down. What's concerning me is that she hasn't come inside yet, herself.

Grabbing a blanket off the back of the couch I was currently lounging on, I rose and began making my way to the main deck. It was evening already and the sun had long ago set, making the hallways, through which I passed, feel gloomy and dingy.

'I figured she'd want some time to herself, but this is ridiculous...' I thought.

I was soon met with a door, the door leading to the deck. I slowly turned the knob, gently swinging the door open. Not a sound broke the silence. Quietly closing the door, I surveyed the deck for her silhouette. 

There she was. I slowly approached, stopping halfway there to admire her beauty. Her hair shone softly under the light of the moon with a rich, velvety brown that I didn't know could exist. Leaning to the side, I caught a glimpse of her profile. Her face was relaxed, eyes fixed skyward. Her skin glowed; you could even say it radiated a soft light. Her skin sparkled in the light, giving off a beautiful blue color due to the quality of the light as she allowed her power to show itself. Her eyes gleamed a ravishing green color, reflecting the wonders of the starry sky above.

I could feel my face heat up from watching her. How could one person be so beautiful, yet so oblivious to that beauty? The fact that she didn't know she was beautiful made her all the more alluring.

Snapping out of my daze, I approached her once more. Silently, I crept up behind her, draping the blanket over her shoulders once I had reached my destination and firmly hugging her from behind, pulling her against my chest.

Her head quickly turned to the side. 'I must have mildly startled her.' 

Working up the courage quickly, I leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "I'm glad you're back." I muttered, squeezing her lightly.

"glad to be back." Came the reply. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too." I paused, not knowing if I really had the guts to go through with this. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I pushed ahead despite my trepidation. "Shimmer, there's something I've been wanting to tell you ever since you got back...I didn't get a chance to say it last time." I whispered in her ear, a light blush coating her cheeks as my lips accidentally grazed the cup of her ear softly. I felt her shiver against my chest upon the contact as she slightly turned her head away from mine to hide her blush from me.

I released her and walked around her right side to face her. She was staring intently at the floor as though she was trying to memorize its every detail, a soft blush still visible on her face in the milky-white eminence of the moon. 'So cute!' I thought before getting back on topic. 

"Shim..." I breathed out. Hooking a finger under her chin and resting a thumb just beneath her bottom lip, I tilted her head up so she was looking me in the eye. "I...I love you, Shimmer."

She looked astonished, her light blush being replaced by a blazing red one. Her eyes danced between my own blue pools in a questioning manner. Deciding to abolish her doubt, I slowly leaned in and planted a tenderly solid kiss on her full, pink lips.

I watched her with half-lidded eyes, gauging her reaction. Her eyes initially widened in surprise before slowly slipping shut. Her face was now hot  from her blush and I could feel her  warmth seeping through her clothing. Satisfied with her reaction, I closed my own eyes and enjoyed the moment, wondering where all that sudden courage came from. 

We slowly pulled away from each other. Eyes shining and hair drenched in celestial light from above, she spoke, "Lloyd..." My name rolled off her tongue in the most entrancing way. "I love you, too." She finished, cupping my face in her hands before bringing me in for another sweet kiss.

Time-skip courtesy of Sensei Wu's incessant love of tea.

A short time later, we were both standing quietly, drinking in the serenity of the moment. Shimmer was nestled under my arm as I held her to my side.

"I'm surprise." She mused, looking up at me with her big emerald eyes. I hummed in response as I looked down at her, signalling for her to continue. "I half expected Cole to show up at one point during our kiss and record it while laughing at us."

I laughed before replying. "I did, too. Maybe we got lucky this time." I answered happily.

Cole's POV:

Little do they know...I DID record the WHOLE moment from beginning to end. 'This will be cute to show at their inevitable future wedding.' I snickered to myself at the thought.

Please let me know if there are any mistakes, especially spelling. I didn't have a chance to check this before publishing. Hope you enjoyed this little nugget of fluff!


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