Chapter 11: Outgunned and Outmanned

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Hello, loves! 

Okay; so I know I've been a horrible author and haven't updated in basically forever, but I have a short transitional chapter for you! 

I have no excuses for my lack of updates besides this one simple concept: life is hard. 

Regardless, I'm sorry for the loooooooong wait, but I haven't forgotten this book and I intend to finish it one way or another. 

If you need a refresher, we left Shimmer practicing to control invisible light after she had deciphered the prophecy that Sensei Wu found. 

Aaaaaaand action!


Shimmer's POV:

I had been practicing my proficiency in invisible light for the better part of a month. I have become comfortably capable in that particular field of expertise; so, after a long month of training next to nonstop, it was time for a well-deserved break.

The guys and I had decided to spend out day off competing with one another. Over what you might ask? None other than the guys' favorite pastime: videogames.

We had already been playing for a considerable amount of time and I was currently whooping Kai and Cole simultaneously. The looks on their faces when they lost making me guffaw in the least ladylike manner possible. I threw my head back laughing like there was no tomorrow, tears slipping down my cheeks all the while. Kai was angrily growling at the controller in his hands while Cole had gone limp, pouting and giving me puppy-dog eyes as best as he could.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one to find their reactions to their grueling defeats hilarious as I heard the laughter of three other males join my own.

Kai was still glaring at his controller as though it were the reason he lost. Cole, on the other hand, clutched his chest, falling backward unceremoniously, and draping the back of his unoccupied hand across his forehead as he wailed at the top of his lungs, "ouch, my pride!"

Cole's antics drew even more laughter out of the group. I, personally, crumpled to the floor holding my stomach at the hilarity of the two.

Upon recovery, Zane spoke up over the remaining laughter resounding within the small, dim room. "Shouldn't we make a grocery run before it gets too late? We are nearly out of food after all."

"CAKE!" cried Cole, shooting up from the couch and bolting down the main corridor of the bounty. "Last one into town is buying my cake!" he threatened playfully, casting a grin over his shoulder at us, a devious look glinting in his eye.

We briefly exchanged looks of shock before charging after him, knowing full well the sorry sucker who came in last would be broke by the end of this little escapade, courtesy of Cole's cake obsession.

We shoved and taunted each other as we raced to not be last. We had made it about halfway down the corridor when the Bounty shook beneath our feet, reducing us to a pile on the floor.

"Guys!" Cole's panicked call from atop the staircase to the main deck pierced the ringing in my ears and pounding of my head. I dragged myself upright after being slammed against the wall in the fall, disoriented.

"What was that?" Jay groaned, regaining his footing as the floor quaked once more.

I shrugged in response to his question, meeting his eyes. "I don't know..."

Now on our feet, we exchanged looks once more, this time far less light-hearted than just moments ago.

Our wits now gathered in the brief moments we took to regain our bearings, we all sprinted to the staircase to join Cole on deck. I was the third to climb the staircase to the main deck, and what I saw stopped me in my tracks.

I knew the day would come and I had felt ready, but suddenly me confidence drained from me. My heartrate increased at an alarming rate, my palms were sweaty, my throat was dry, and I was quivering inside; to say the I was nervous was an understatement.

There, on the bow, stood Morro.

Just past the bow stood his army.

We were in for the fight of our lives.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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