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Douglas led me into a thin hallway flooded with light and murmuring voices. The floors were sterile, with the ceiling too high to reach without a ladder. There were rooms every few feet, their doors open. I peeked inside a few and saw cots surrounded by LEDs, like the one I'd just come from.

The voices didn't come from those. They came from a large room at the end of the hall, where I saw the backs of people and excited, waving hands. One man looked at another, then pointed at a screen overhead. The man who listened rolled his head and growled in frustration.

I wondered if it was Roger and me that had been the topic of discussion.

"As you can see, you've still got all of your electronics. Your clothes were changed after we..."

He paused, looking back at me as I followed closely. I looked back at him, eyebrows raised. I wanted him to finish his sentence. Your clothes were changed after we tried to cut you open. Yeah, that's what he should've said.

"If you haven't noticed yet..." He shook his finger weakly as he pointed at my head. "We've done no damage to your receptor. Roger is still intact."

Oh, I noticed. If I hadn't, and I awoke to find Roger non-functioning, I don't know what I would have done. "So, you know... that I know?"

Douglas paused for a second, keeping his gaze dead ahead at the room with its lively group. In my ear, though I knew he meant to keep quiet, I heard Roger groan as quiet as he could, "He doesn't know, Clara..."

"Know what?" Douglas shifted his head slightly, looking at me with just one eye. "Our intentions with the Hosts? With you?"

My mouth hung open and sounds left me, but none were intelligible. It hadn't been a full five minutes and I'd already cooked my goose—that was the saying, right?

"I figured he'd known what we were up to, considering he damaged two of my computers in the process."

What? He didn't tell me that.

"Quite the machine you have there. Utterly devoted to you and your life. It seems like... some traits can't be forgotten when it comes to those... things."

The way he spoke held a hidden agenda; I knew it. What did he mean by traits? Was this what Roger meant when they thought I'd broken him? Made him completely accessible? I'd seen what jailbroken devices could do.

With a slow spin, Douglas motioned for me to pass him and into the room of animated conversation. "If you had the time, I'd love to know how you freed him."


I passed his outstretched hand as I entered the room and allowed the warmth of conversation to wrap around me. It reminded me of the restaurants, the cafes; a room full of life, laughter, and heated debate. Like Roger had said, there were twenty or so. Ten of them sat at computers, looking up at the monitors that hung on the wall. The rest were grouped around the table, pointing at one another. Except, when I walked in, the conversation stopped, and my gaze scanned over the curious faces that looked at me with normal, human eyes.

"Just so we're clear, Clara, you're safe here."

Douglas' voice caught my attention as he walked past me and approached the table. I looked into his eyes when he faced me again. "It's normal to have doubts. Human to have them. Being on your own for nearly two months is..."

Had it been that long? With everyone's eyes on me, I felt naked. I wrapped my arms around myself to feel safe. "I wasn't alone." My thumbs slid over my skin. "Roger has been with me the whole time."

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