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Waking up was always the hardest part of her day. Sleep was nice. Sleep was peaceful. Sleep didn't require any energy or thought.

Waking up on the other hand was an ugly business, not just because of the drool, messed up hair, and twisted clothes, but also because you were forced back into a reality that you didn't agree with. A reality in which you spent your days trying to escape in one form or another.

Alex liked to tell herself stories. She would tell herself these stories in her mind to drown out the monotony of her average day at her average job. In these stories she would fall in love, save the world, fight off a super villain, and even fly on occasion. Alex was a day dreamer.

Of course to the people around her this made her seem slow or deaf because she took longer than usual to respond and often she failed to form proper sentences as her brain stumbled to come up with an appropriate response.

That's why she preferred sleep. She could be someone else and live in a new world uninterrupted, at least until she woke up.

Sometimes she wished she didn't have to wake up.

On this particular morning though something was off as she stirred from the recesses of her mind. Her bed seemed to big and the annoying spring that liked to stab her shoulder was missing. The blankets were different too. It was crisp as if it was just washed and the fabric felt way to expensive to be one of her blankets bought from Wal-Mart. The pillow underneath her head seemed new and lacked the scent of use and it didn't feel like she was wearing any pajamas.

Alex rolled onto her back expecting the creak that her metal day bed frame always greeted her with when she moved but there was nothing. The room was silent. It would have been nice if she wasn't so use to the noise of traffic from the street right outside her apartment window. Why was it so quiet?

Somewhere in the distance something shuffled, the sound muffled but somehow spreading up Alex's growing alertness.

She wasn't in her bed, she realized, and she was naked.

Why was she naked?

Then came the light tapping sound of someone knocking on a door and a man's voice speaking in a familiar language that she couldn't quiet understand.

What was he saying?

"Wait... he?" A sultry male voice came from her lips, a familiar voice, one she couldn't mistake for any other man's voice, and her eyes shot open. Sitting up so fast that she made herslef dizzy, the blanket that was covering her fell away to reveal a lithe toned chest of a male.

Her eyes fell down as she stared in disbelief at the shape of her body, her hands coming up to fondle where her breasts had once been. Was she still sleeping? Things like this don't just happen!!

The knock came again briefly before the door to the room she was in opened. A young man whose face she knew all to well half stepped into the room before he froze, his face frozen in shock.

Jung Kook's eyes were wide, his face slowly losing color, as he witnessed his leader fondle his own bare chest with a dazed expression.

The room was silent as Alex made eye contact with the youngest member of the seven member group. She stared at him for a while before the gears in her brain started to function again triggering some kind of reaction.

Sadly for poor Jung Kook that reaction was panic.

The girliest scream she had ever heard came out of Nam Joons mouth as she grabbed the blankets, yanked them over herself, and proceeded to roll off the bed. Nam Joons body, her body, hit the floor hard, the thud shaking the lamp that rested on the bedside table.

Jung Kook, startled, hella confused, and freaking out only stared with an open mouth at the now empty bed where Nam Joon had once been. He went to take a step inside to check on his leader but hesitated having no idea what to actually do in this situation.

Not knowing more than too words of korean all Alex could do was shout "GET OUT!!" at the top of her lungs, Nam Joons lungs, in English and his voice was loud, so loud it even startled her.

She didn't look up over the edge of the bed to see if Jung Kook had left but when she heard the door slam she felt safe in assuming she now alone in the room. Slowly she sat up and looked over to the door to see it closed, no frightened mankae to be seen.

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