n. & ch.

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y/n's pov

'his n.ose, it is so cute. his ch.eeks, they are so red'

i really could've worked at a bar closer to home. but this restaurant is so interesting, there are performers and i get to waitress and bartend. my boss said i can perform if i show him my talent.

anyways. the guy from earlier is here, maybe he's a customer. we just opened in time. it started raining and a cool breeze has started to blow harsher, causing the droplets of water to fall sideways.

i take off my small scarf and beanie as i start to clean off the table. i can feel his eyes again. the hot man sits at said table after im finished. wednesdays are the days that i work alone. everyone else is busy but i like the extra money, even though the bar is only opened for six hours today. boss does that sometimes because he doesn't like me working for nine hours alone.

i sigh as more and more customers come-on and order drinks and food. i wish mark was here to help today, he's always a sweetie. i think he's gonna perform today actually. he should get here at one. mark is a rapper, one of the best i know of. i can't wait, i've already been at work for an hour so one is just another hour away.

i smile to myself as taeyong walks in.

"hello y/n, how's work so far," he asks with a blank face. i shrug as i think of a response for our best chef.

"pretty busy, but mostly people asking for drinks. don't worry tae! you don't have too much work today," his bland face turns into a slight smile as i notice that guy staring at me again. taeyong must have noticed my discomfort as he turns his head in the direction of the man. he turns back smirking. then mumbles to himself as he makes his way to the kitchen. he's such a mom.

i wonder why that guy is here anyways, is he following me? psh, as if! he probably just likes the performers.

i clap as henry steps on the stage with his keyboard. i adore his voice. the (at the time) brunette haired man starts playing the keys brilliantly as the crowd swoons. i recognize the song as 'that one' which is one of my favorites by him. as he is halfway through the song i notice the man staring again. what is with this guy?

*swiggity swift time for time shift*

finally it's 5! i cheer to myself as i clean my last table and head out for the night. waving bye to our janitor as everyone left heads out. it's strange actually, the same guy has been here all day, except once when he was talking to boss in the back. i wonder if he's going to be a new worker.

i shiver as the cool breeze is still relevant outside. i feel blood rushing to my eartips and cheeks and gasp to myself as the man from before walks a foot or two away from me  to the bus stop as well.

his n.ose, it is so cute. his ch.eeks, they are so red. how adorable! he catches me admiring his features and his nose squishes up as he turns to the bus's direction. we both board as we head for our same stop.

i can't help but admire his l.

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