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Dedicated to zinc369 because I sorta promised her that she can be Wren – Ari is Sara (of UITA), I am supposedly Lennon (of NABDB) and the third "Chompy" cousin is finally here! 

Listen to Highway to Hell in the sidebar by AC/DC because Wren has just found herself on it.


Copyright © 2014 | CrayonChomper | Just Add Walter

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


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The world ended with the sound of tiny, tinkling bells.

Well, not the world world.

Just my world.

With those bells – the ones that announced a new customer's entrance into the Acre Street Diner – the universe was telling me, “Ding! Ding! The Devil has arrived and he's bringing the Apocalypse with him. Put on your safety hat, Wren Jamison, and hold on for dear life.”

I clearly didn't hear the universe's message though.

I didn't hear anything, really, when I saw him.

The Devil.

As he walked past everyone else in the diner, he had that Fukushima smile of his directed right at me.

"Hi." The Devil smiled once he was in the it-is-now-acceptable-to-speak-to-a-stranger-whose-life-you-will-ultimately-ruin distance. "Is this seat taken?"

Ladies and gentlemen, the Devil had most definitely arrived.


This story is not going to be a paranormal one – The Devil is just Wren's nickname for Walter. I just needed to clarify that but don't you love how that's some major foreshadowing right there? 

I also know I have like five thousand stories going on right now but I wanted to see if people got the joke behind the title – and also if the summary & teaser made you want to read more *cough* say you want to read more in the comments *cough*

I want to explain the joke behind the title but I read somewhere that jokes shouldn't be explained so I'm just going to say:

VOTE. COMMENT. SHARE. (And follow? XD)

- Chompy

P.S. Feel free to take five more minutes to stare at the cover. I know I did when I finished making it *wink*

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