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This chapter is dedicated to my dearest bestie weirdly_crazu_gyal Thank you for being the first person to vote and comment on the book!

Evelina's POV
"Oh you don't know him Olivia! He is a complete asshole!" The gang was in my cabin except for Ed and Van as they had to go to work. Why they are here? Well...they wanted to see if I was fine since yesterday's situation.

"But why was he angry anyway?" Isabella asked.

"I seriously don't know. I did not do anything to him. Hell! It was the my first time meeting him!" I rested my head on the table.

"Yeah! And you gave him your own medicine! Hahahaha!" Jason laughed hard and Jaxon was trying to muffle his laughter while adjusting his glasses. These twins!

"Haha very funny Jason." I said with sarcasm dripping off every word.

"You really should learn how to save your very clumsy ass, little." Urgh Alexander is playing the elder again.

"Alex! I am not little anymore! I am 22!" I whined cause it irritates me when people say that I am either short or little.

"Yes but you'll always be our little. No matter what." Jaxon pinched my nose smiling cheesily.

"Leah! Tell your boyfriend to stop!" I glared at Jaxon. And yes you heard it right. Jaxon's mate is Leah but we don't say mate as it sounds weird in the human world. Jason's mate is of course Amelia as they are always together since birth and Alexander's mate is Olivia. While Isabella, she is Van's mate.

Jaxon just winked at her and she blushed instead of saying something.

"But there must be something that he was so angry like someone stole his cupcake." Amelia said thinking hard while tapping her finger on her chin.

My mouth was itching to comment on this but it got interrupted by knocks.

Knock! Knock!
"Yes. Come in." I said professionally. My serious Manager side was out.

"Evelina, someone is here to meet you." Anderson said pronouncing every word carefully.

"Okay thank you Anderson for informing me. I'll be right there in a minute." I said getting up and pulled my skirt a bit down as it went up when I sat.

"I am sorry guys. I have to go." I making my way to the door.

"Yeah! Don't worry. We'll catch up later!" Amelia shouted.

"How about we catch up?" Jason asked Amelia and she was blushing very hard. To say her face was like a tomato is an understatement.
Can these guys take a break? I thought rolling my eyes.

I don't know how it feels to have a mate. Even when I am a half human-half vampire girl, I want to know how it really is to have someone to cherish me. To love me. To care for me. To be with me forever.

I was brought back from my thoughts by someone clearing their throat. I looked up and a smile was playing on my face instantly.

"Grandpa!" I exclaimed as I walked to him and threw my chubby arms around him.

"Baby girl!" He said while kissing my cheeks.

"How are you? It's been a while since I last saw you. I thought you forgot me." I pouted.

"Haha. I am fine and there is no way that I'll forget you baby girl. I promise you." He smiled at me. Even he was old, he was still handsome.

Then we made our way to a nearby table and we sat.
"You know grandpa, we could go to my cabin." I said.

"No need baby girl. We are expecting a guest here." He took a look at his golden watch.

"We?" I asked confused as hell. I don't remember telling anyone to meet me today.

"Yes we." He replied and checked the time once more time.

"Okay." I told him while looking around searching if that someone was there.

"David!" A very old manly voice shouted.

Our heads immediately whipped the person. It was an old man like my grandpa. And judging the way he was smiling at my granpa screamed that they are friends.

"John!" They shook hands and my grandpa introduced him to me. I still don't know what I am doing here?! Wait! Is he here to complain about food?! Did he even step in this restaurant?!

"This is my granddaughter Evelina Storm. She is the daughter of my son Ethan. And Velina this John Brown. A friend of mine." I eased the crease formed on my forehead and smile at him.

"Nice to meet you Mr Brown." I said shaking his hand.

"Oh please call me John and nice to meet you too dear." He said still smiling. But that doesn't explain why I am here! What the hell is going to happen? He doesn't seem to be a bad man too. Then why is he here? Don't tell me! Is he here to buy my restaurant?!

My heart was beating fast but I kept my smile.
John took a seat at the table and in an instant his face became serious including my grandpa.

"Umm...grandpa?" I asked.

"Velina, there is something I want to tell you." My heart was racing at my grandpa's words.

"Y-Yes." I was nervous as hell. My tongue wasn't able to move to reply him fully.

"It's about John's grandson. Adam Vernom." Huh? Grandson? Adam Vernom? Why me?

"I-I don't understand what you are implying at grandpa." He was really confusing me with his puzzle-like sentences.

John was the one who cleared my clouded mind.
"My grandson is your mate Evelina." Ohh so his grandson is my mat-WHAAATTT???!!!! MATE??! SINCE WHEN?!
My eyes bulged out of their sockets like freaking saucers.

"What?" I replied in my normal tone as I did not want the customers to say that the Manager of the restaurant is a mad girl.

"Yes Velina. You are Adam Vernom's mate who is the grandson of John." My grandpa explained me.

I took deep breaths and asked turning my head to John.
"But how do you know that I am your grandson's mate? I doubt that I've met him before."

"You can say that I know everything about him. And you've already met him Evelina." Already met him? Is he a ghost or what? Cause I've never met some guy named Adam Vernom in my life! Who the hell is he?!

Hiiiii my wattpad readers!!!
Sry if I took too much time in updating chapter 3 as I was thinking of the plot.

So what do you think of the gang? The mates? Olivia? Isabella? Amelia? Jason and Jaxon?

Most importantly who is Adam Vernom? *smirking*
Tell me in the comments if you know the answer!!

Bye. See you in next chapter!❤

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