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Adam's POV.
Running my gaze on her face...I was admiring the great definition of beauty. She was sleeping so soundly with her plum lips opened slightly and her eyebrows furrowed in a cute way. Reaching forward, I brushed off the hair strands which hid her beautiful thick eyelashes.

I smiled at her. She is so gorgeous.
I so want to just to sit here and to admire her beauty all day long...

Still gazing her admirable face, my mind wandered to last night. She was so fragile almost like a rose's petal. Why was she that frightened though? What could be the reason?

These questions kept invading my mind wholely. But there is one thing...she came to me...she wanted to be with me. That's the solely reason could make me feel wonderful and important.

She stirred slightly and tried opening her eyes with great difficulty due to the sunlight. Then she cracked open her eyes showing her cute brown and round iries. Her eyebrows were brought together in confusion at first then her eyes grew big as if she saw some ghost beside her.

I could not help but smirk at her cuteness. She had that inoncent look when she woke up.

She sat up abruptly and pushed back her bangs. She looked at the closeness between us and her face immediately lit up in bright red colour.

"I-I am sorry for last night..." Eve stammered adding up in her cuteness level.

"Eve it's fine for you to come here. I've already told you that it is your room too not only mine. It is ours. Now I want to know why you was trembling and sweating so much." I was so damn curious about her.

"Th-The thunder and l-lightning were too much that night I guess." She fidgeted with her fingers and I seriously wanted to feel those small fingers in my hands.

"Do you happen to have a phobia for thunder and lightning?" I asked looking in her eyes.

"I-I think I just don't like them?" She turned beetroot red. And at that time I knew that what I was thinking was true.

"You don't have to feel shame for having a phobia or any problem Eve. It is natural. Eveyone is not perfect on earth." I cupped her cheeks and lifted her head towards me.

She diverted her eyes from me to the door.
"I know's just that a Vampire King's daughter has a phobia for thunder and lightning sounds strange." Her voice was soft and smooth.

"My Eve, nobody is perfect in this world. Even when you are a Vampire King's daughter, that doesn't mean that you need to be perfect. Everyone has the right to have flaws in their life. And whether other people find this strange or not, I will still love you. You are my mate. My love. My wife. My everything. Nothing will ever change that." I cupped her cheeks in my hands and immediately felt a heat radiating from her chubby cheeks.

Her eyes were wide and her mouth hanged open.

"Now I can show you how much I love you if you want." I brought my face closer to her and smirked. I so wanted to tease her a little bit. Her flushed face always tempted me to tease her and say things that I did not think I would say until I met her.

She always made me do or say things that I, myself would be surprise of what I did or said. Maybe that's why she is my Eve.

I smirked even more and licked my lips. I leaned closer until our breath began mixing together. I stuck my tongue out and ran it sensually on her bottom lip then I retrieved myself slightly. Her chest heaved quickly and she shut her eyes waiting for more.

I chuckled and brought my mouth to her right ear and said with my most seductive voice ever.
"I can continue if you want to, my Eve."

Her eyes cracked opened instantly and her cheeks glew in the most beautiful pink colour.

"No! Umm..I-I mean w-we should eat breakfast! Yes! B-Breakfast!" She said those words faster than I expected.

I chuckled even more and retreated myself from her.
"My cute wife." I muttered smiling and got up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom.

Once I got into the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror.
Since when I last smiled?
I forgot how to even smile....

I closed my eyes and I instantly saw something I regretted.
That woman! How could she do this to us?! To our family?!

Breathing hard, I opened my eyes and swore to myself to protect the love of my Eve forever.

Then I did my hygenic businesses and when I was done, I opened the door to only be met by an empty room.
She really is something...

I went forward to my closet and wore a pair of black jeans and a long-sleeved t-shirt.

I blew dry my hair as it was wet but did nothing with it- I did not apply any hair gel, I just ran my fingers through my hair giving it a very messy look.

I then made my way downstairs for breakfast with my wife.

"Ohh so that's how you met your husband! It is just like some fairytale!" I heard Eve exclaimed.
"Yes and I admit that at that particular time I even thought so." Aline replied.

Eve is so different from other girls I've met before..I mean how can she break into Aline's heart that she is narrating Eve her love life! Aline is never that kind of person who would go very friendly with everybody. She is nice though. Aline has never failed to fulfil the motherhood gap in either my heart or my life.

I walked forward and asked to prove my presence.
"So what's for breakfast today?"

The two women's head whipped to my direction but the one who interested me the most was my wife's flushed face.

I am going to protect you my Eve...I promise...

Hellooo guys!!! Okay I know I am updating very slowly lately and that's because exams are approaching and I am so busy with school works...but that does not mean I won't be updating!

Thank you so much for reading and hope you enjoyed it! Bye.❤

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