Split Personality

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Evelina's POV.

Urgh! Can he cut this out already?!
I was literally squeezing in the airplane by the Satanic Asshole. He was not thinking of stopping his weird behaviours towards me and it was really irritating to see him behaving in such a way.

We were on the plane returning. Three weeks at L.A flew by quicker than I thought it would have. And the three weeks were hell to me! Satanic Asshole did not cut his act! He was being even more weird by the minute. He would always stuck with me or say some flirty comments that would eventually make me feel uneasy inside.

The flight was different. I was still sitting in the window seat like the previous flight but the place of Mr Adam Vernom changed. He used to sit veryyy far from me and now he was sitting next to me and he was freaking sticking to me like a glue.
Sometimes he would whisper in my ears or even touch me making me weak.

Running my fingers around my neck, I thought of my necklace. I lost it. I tried to look for it everywhere but could not find it. It was precious to me. I can't imagine my life without it.
It was a simple golden necklace given by my parents on my 16th birthday and since then it has been with me. I never separate it from me....until now.

Feeling the heavy weight in my heart getting intense, my eyes started drooping.
I shut my heavy eyes and allowed myself drown in the sleep.

Ahh how warm it is....ohh how I want to just stay like this and not let go.
I snuzzled more to the warmth wanting it to devour me entirely.

Then I heard someone chuckled.
Huh? What?
Opening one eye, I lifted my head to see who it was. To my biggest surprise in the whole freaking world, it was the Satanic Asshole.

I yanked my body far from him staring at him like he was some ghost. My eyes were wide and my mouth hanged open.
What the hell Velina?! At least know what you are doing while you are sleeping!

Smirking at me, he said.
"We have arrived my dear Eve. Or you want to stay with me like this?" Damn these freaking hormones! You don't even know when they can pop out!

"Uhh- I-I...we have arrived! We n-need to go home! Oh I need to go home! Yes! We have to go! Let's go!" I really don't know what I was blabbering but thank God he did not do any flirty comment on it.

I stood up and walked out quickly till I felt my feet paining. When I reached the car, I was breathless and noticed the driver was already waiting for us.

The formally dressed man filled the car booth with my baggages and Satanic Asshole's ones. Then I hurriedly alighted in the car.
Gosh! Why my heart is beating so fast?!

The drive was long but smooth and comfortable. Even though my ears was itching for some good music, I restrained myself on plugging on the earplugs as I did not was to embarrass myself again. Concerning the previous incident.

Arriving at the penthouse, I was worn out. I could not even have the strength to stand but thinking of having a very good sleep boosted my power.
Really Velina? Sleep again? My conscience face-palmed.

Face-palmed? How can- Urgh! Maybe I am imagining things cause of the sleep.

The Satanic Asshole was leading the way as he had the keys with him. Once he opened the door, I dragged my heavy feet to the room where I slept the other day. The wedding day.

Opening the door, I rolled my suitcase behind me and closed it. Then I threw my tired body flat on the soft bed like it was full of rose petals. Suddenly I heard the door clicked open. Sitting up, I brought my exhausted gaze to the door to see the Satanic Asshole unbuttoning his shirt. What is he doing here?!

"W-Wait! What are you doing?!" I raised my palm to stop him.

"Huh? Can't I undress in my room?" My room? MY? HIS?

"Very funny but you have to improve to make me laugh next time." I rolled my eyes at him.

"This is my room Eve. Look at the room closely my wife." I turned my head and inspected the room. Then my eyes hit something on a desk.
A photoframe?
How did I not notice it before?

Groaning, I took my suitcase with me. "Sorry. I did not know it is your room. I even slept here the other day." With that I was about to make my way to choose for a room but his grip stopped me.
"Eve, I am not saying that you have to leave because it is my room. It is not my room. It is ours. You are married to me meaning that this is also your room. You have equal rights in everything I own." He turned me and traced his index finger along my jawline.
No! If I stay here. In this room with him, I'll definitely lose control! I can't let this happen!

Releasing my arm from his grasp, I muttered.
"I am fine staying in another room." I walked out without waiting for a word from him to choose for a room.
After a lot of thinking, I finally decided which room I would be taking. It was one room far from the Satanic Asshole's. Why? For me to not be affected by him even more than I was.

After taking a hot shower and changed into a comfortable outfit, I went downstairs to look for Aline as I did not see her since my return. I went to the kitchen to only spot someone that I least expected that day. The Satanic Asshole! And guess how he was? Shirtless!
"Where is Aline?" I asked him while opening the tap for a glass of water.
"Oh she is not coming to work now." His back muscles were flexing making me have second thought of not staying in the same room as his.
"Uh why though? I remember you told her to-" before I even got to finish my sentence he inturrpted me.
"Yes and now I told her not to come." He really was getting on my nerves.
"But why?" I questioned him once more.
He turned his gorgeous face to me and said.
"Because I want you to do whatever Aline has been doing for me." His words made me choke on the water I was pouring down my throat.
What the hell?! He can't be serious now!

"Last time I checked I am your wife. Not someone looking for a damn job!" I brought my index finger to his face.
"So you are saying that you will not do it." He lowered my finger and brought his face to mine.
"Of course not!" To say I was angry was a complete understatement.
"Well then.....how about now?" He took something out of his right pocket. My eyes widened.
My chain! My golden chain! How come it is with him?!

"W-Where did you find it?" I asked him while trying to get from him. God! Why is he so tall?!

"It was in the bathroom in the suite. I forgot to give it to you on plane." It's been with him for so long!

"Did you know how worried I was? I was searching for it everywhere! Give it back to me!" If I could climb on him and get it back I would have done it.

"Uh-uh. Not so fast my Eve." Does he have split personality or what?!
One minute he is flirty and the other his satanic side take possession of him!

"What do you want?" I asked him crossing my arms over my breast.

"You will do whatever I tell you to do without complaining." He whispered ever so slowly and lightly against my burning ear making me breathless.

"What if I say no?" I questioned him with my arms lowered to my sides.

"Then you will have to say goodbye to you dear necklace." He faked a sympathy look.

"Fine. I'll do it." Gritting my teeth, I said snatching the necklace from his grasp and went directly to the room.

He wants to play with fire, doesn't he?
Then wait and watch Mr Adam Vernom, how I will play.

I am soo sorry for not updating lately cause I was watching one of my favourite anime which is Kamisama Hajimemashita for the 5th time and I really can't get enough of it and of course Tomoe.😍
Tell me if you watched this anime and what do think of it cause I loooveeee it!😀😍

Oh well...let's forget about that and tell me if you enjoyed it!

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