7. (part 1)

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The trip was quite once again, why wouldn't they? Their questions were answered right? So what more to say.

Then after all the walk they came across a curtain

Well not really it's like an entrance to a expensive cinema

You can't clearly see the inside cause it's all black

Guide Danny stopped then turned to the rest of the class

"If you want to go inside i won't stop you but be prepared on what you might see" He said then went out of the way

The class (with the exception of Jazz) looked at each other then nodded

The A-listers led the rest of the class and mr. Lancer inside of the entrance
But Jazz stayed behind

Then Guide Danny reappeared next to her
"are you sure about this? " asked Jazz concern written in her voice

Guide Danny stared at her for a moment before answering "yes"

Jazz nodded, still not convinced that this is the right thing to do, but can live with it anyways

Guide Danny disappeared once again leaving Jazz all by herself. Then she followed the class.

What she saw was the Most unexpected thing ever

There were bean bags at the floor and a big screen at the front, there was even a popcorn snack, even pillows and blankets

The class that had entered first didn't waste any time to find the bean bags that they like

What's left is a color white and orange bean bags, obviously it was for the last entry Guid Danny and Jazz

They shrugged their shoulders then proceeded to the last 2 bean bags

As they sat down the screen began to light up.

They -with the exception of Guide Danny- looked at the screen a bit startled but continued being silent

Then the screen showed up a memory

It looks like they were looking through someone's eyes but everyone knows that they're looking through Danny Fenton's Eyes

From the class view they were looking at a bedroom, the bedroom has a study table and a bulitin board with all his pictures in it even a news papers some of it were about ghosts

Then they heard crying, well sobbing more like it then the view turned black but you can clearly hear the sobbings. Just then everyone felt very sad, like they had just lost someone important to them, unknown to them that, that is what Their Danny went through right now And Jazz knew it

Then the head looked up then looked at the wall next to him

The wall was covered in pictures of him, Sam, and Tucker.

To say the least said two and the A-listers were shocked.

The two thought that he would have gotten rid of it by now, while the other A-listers thought that it was shockingly Disgusting but they know that their knew members were never going back to the Loser Geek ever again

The view then became watery as Danny cried, And for somehow Sam and Tucker were Feeling some emotions that they thought they thrown away. Guilt

Then A sound of a creaking door was heard, The vision looked up to see....


Sorry it took long I curse earth so much

So yah here it is Enjoy!


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