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Outside world,

???'s P. O. V

My plan is all Finally falling into place.

Now, all i have to do is wait

Hehe... This is going to be fun!

Back into Danny's mind

Right now they were walking, well that's what they always do. Walking

Then *STOMP*

Dash stomped his feet out of the blue, scaring half of the class

"UGH I'M SICK OF THIS! Why does it always has to be Fenturd leading the group just because this is His mind doesn't mean that he always gets to be the leader! I'm the star Quarter back of Casper high! So I should lead us out of here! " Dash said. This got a agreed by The Rest of the A-listers Except the Ex duo

Now this Jazz Was getting irritated, I mean come on do they even know where they were going and this is her BROTHERS mind NOT Theirs

Guide Danny was about to say something but was interrupted

"Mr. BAXTER THAT IS ENOUGH! Mr. Fenton here has been doing his best to get us out of here And as I Remember this is Mr. FENTON'S mind NOT yours! So a simple logic would be necessary that the only way for us to get out of here is by Mr. Fenton Himself now If none of you shut up this instant I will personally Drop the grades that I have been putting up for you all and let your parents have a talk with you Got It?! " Surprisingly Mr. Lancer Demanded. Obviously Tired of this thing over and over again

With the last sentence The rest of the A-listers shut up earning a relief sigh from the others, who were also tired of this

Guide Danny turned to Mr. Lancer mouthing A 'Thank you' earning a small nod and a smile from the teacher

After what seems like hours of all the whining making Jazz wanting to rip the source into Shreds (Guess you should know who it is, if not then sad to you). They Finally Found what their looking for. The door

The door Was color Black with red engravings and a sign stating εκδίκηση

Guide Danny sighed, great just what he needed this Door

"you can all go in this door but be warned to all those who have cause Danny harm you might want to get ready" Guide Danny warned

As Everyone stepped in they first notice a figure sitting with it's back turned

Sam was about to step forward when--

"stop right there... " growled the figure as it standed up with it's back still faced behind them

"Oh yah?! Well who are you to tell me what to do?! " apparently she made the wrong decision

At this, the figures head snapped to the side revealing his glowing. Red. Eye

Hes turned then flew at inhuman speed to the Ex goth then wraped his 2 hands around her neck

"Oh Have I loonnnngg to do thissssssss.. " The figure hissed now out of the dark corner. The class can clearly see it's face now

As always it's another one of Danny's clones/look-a-like but this one is a bit different, this Danny has Glowing Red eyes, the top of the hazmat suit is Danny phantom type of color while the bottom is it's Danny Fenton type of color

This Danny was strangling Sam tighter now the ex goth looks like about to die of Choking, Tucker being Tucker shouted

"HEY! Leave her alone! Can't you see she's choking! She's going to DIE! " at this Red eye Dannyet out a pitiful chuckel

"She deserves more then just Death. You both do for doing this to me" at this he let go of his one hand on Sam's neck then Grabbed Tucker's

As Sam was about to faint but Someone punched the Red eye Danny making him let go of the two then stepped a few steps back, as he was about to run at the source of the punch his way was blocked by Some kind of force field that electricute him making him scream out in pain.

Everyone turned to the source of both the punch and the force field, Their very own Guide Danny with his hand hovering over a button that no-one had even realize it was there

"*huff*...why.. W-would y-you... *puff* ...do t-that? " The Red eye Danny said with his head bent down a bit and his arms of the floor for support

Guide Danny gritted his teeth "I-I'm sorry εκδίκ but i had to, Danny specifically says no killing and you almost kill his ex friends, I know what they did was wrong very wrong but we should not step on their level..." he explained quietly then began to walk out the room followed by the terrified class and their Teacher, but not before mouthing 'I'm sorry' to the now known εκδίκ

As they went out, the door slammed shut then disappeared from view

Guide Danny shakly sighed "That door was one of the darkest Doors here in Danny's mind, and before any of you ask or say something that door represents the Emotion of Revenge. So I suggest to leave Danny alone before he lets Revenge bite you... Again" he said the last part to the ex goth and techno geek

They began to walk once again, and this time no noise came to place

A/n: okay I'm finally done and i have an announcement to make at the next chapter I think it's going to come out soon cause my ideas for Danny phantom has come back! Oh and i have updated a book all about the famous Dick Grayson and the bat fam, the team is also there so check it out!

But for now enjoy the chapter bye!

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