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~~even later that day~~
Your eyes slowly open, the light it's so bright, the bed seems bigger than it was before, and your nose itches. "Y/N?" A raspy but sore voice mumbles.
"Harry?" You say. Your throat hurts, and your voice is really quiet. You turn your head on the soft fluffy pillow, seeing a curly headed figure with emerald eyes surrounded around a sea of red. Underneath his eyes were puffy bags of skin.
"I am so happy you are ok" Harry says the same raspy but sore tone as before. As a tear streams from his right eye, followed by another tear from his left eye. You try to smile but it's pathetic. More tears stream down his face, but all you can think is where is Zayn? A man in a white lab coat comes in. He has a name tag, but you aren't focused enough to read it.
"Well how are you Miss Y/L/N?" The man says, you now realize you're in the hospital. The room is silent for a minute, except the increasing tempo of the beeps on the machines.
"Z-Z-ZAYN!" You yell, the fear that maybe he won't come back for you since you kissed Harry. The tears stream down your face as you have trouble breathing. You would never act like this normally, but for some reason you are. The doctor simply nods and walks out.

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