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⚊the letter.


dear min yoongi,

by the time you're reading this, i'll already be gone. and if i'm not, please don't show up by my hospital bed with a bouquet of white roses as if we are happy together.

because we're not.

and I know that this must be a ridiculously cliche letter to read, but I'm past the point of caring or originality. I am past the point of trying, and if you want the honest truth, i'm much happier dying than I am living with you.

i gave you so much.

and I have some questions for you.

who exactly do you think you are?

⚊the beginning.


park jimin hissed as the cold winter air tainted his cheeks a soft pink, nose numbing from the snapping wind.

it was a grey day in January, one of those times in which one began to wish for the sun again. jimin was no exception as his large down coat weighed his step on the cobblestone sidewalk that led up to his and yoongi's shared lower level apartment.

jimin unlocked the door as swiftly as he could, hands weak from the lack of gloves and below freezing temperature. after entering his home, the male was surprised not to see yoongi lazing around the living room like he usually did on saturdays. of course, jimin had gotten off from work early that day, and so he ignored any confusion with the simple notion that the older was probably out on the town or sleeping in the room.

that was, until he heard the giggling.

"oh my- hahahaha!"

the sound rang throughout the apartment building, and jimin furrowed his brow in bewilderment. that was not his boyfriend's voice. "yoongi?" his voice was laced with concern. there was no response. the puzzle pieces just weren't fitting. no.

they didn't fit into place until the bedroom door was swung open revealing a naked yoongi between the legs of a woman jimin couldn't recognize if he wanted to. the silence was the only sound remaining once the doorknob hit the wall, creating a large dent in the material. just like clockwork, yoongi pulled himself off of the stranger and began to dress at lightning speed.

but jimin just stood there. because he realized it most likely wasn't the first time, and it definitely wouldn't be the last.


forever yours, park jimin. ʸᵐWhere stories live. Discover now