Kickstart for eveyone

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I walk up to Gabby so we can walk to school together like we usually do. She came out the house wearing adidas pants and a ty-dye crop top. She had black adidas on too.  "Sup bestie" She said hugging me like she usually do. Her hair smelled like coconuts. Hey skip first period with me we gotta talk. "Aight bet". we went back to my crib. We started playing fortnite cause that's her favorite 😂.  We played for bout 30 minutes. Lets make a bet if  I die first in this round I'll take you shopping. " Yes , yes ok let's play" she said picking up the controller. But if I win you have to kiss me. She turned and looked at me. " I'm going to win so it honestly doesn't matter". Hmm ok. 10 minutes later she dies first. " dammit I was so close to that shopping trip"she said face palming. Ha ha you know what that means. " alright let's get this over with". I laid down and she got on top of me. We both leaned in and kissed. She stopped. Then we kept going. You trynna fuck?." Nick we got school remember" she said. Oh yeah I forgot 😂. "Scarlet is going to kill me once she sees the hickey on me and you". Welp you should've won. Aye so about us." Nahmir we gotta go, come over later though". I was kinda hurt. Oh alright.


Gabby walks into second  hour before the bell rang. Me and her only got one class that's we aren't together in so I see her most of the day. Wtf are those hickys? "Uh no my skin broke out so I got like rashes and shit" She said her cheeks were still red. Bestfriend ima need you to speak tf up before I slap the shit outta you, what happened?  She then explained everything. Holy fuckkkkk I knew this was gonna happen! " uh yeah so he's coming over tonight"she said looking down . Ayeee y'all finna fuck aren't y'all. "No I don't think so" she said. Oh alright.

   Later that afternoon

I here the door bell ring. I open the door. It's Nikki. " you ready" She said. Yeah come on. I shut the door and we headed up to my room. She took off her clothes I took of mine. We started kissing and shit. Wait hold up. "What?" She said. I started laughing. I don't like you get out. She looked shocked." But I thought we was dating?" Hell no I was using you for the top, now get the hell out." Is this because of that ugly birch Amira" she said. Wait a sec did she just call her ugly? I SAID, GET THE FUCK OUT. That bitch ran aint nobody calling my wife ugly.


Ima beat that bitch Amira up tomorrow. How she just gone fuck wit my mans like that, nah she gotta go.

Can't wait for y'all to know what happens 💀💀. Anywho make sure to follow me, add a comment, and vote my story !!! Love y'all 💛

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