The Group Meeting

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        Third Person
    " So... is it true Sollux? Eridan is leaving and the Amporas might not be coming back?" Karkat was the first to ask, Feferi already knew the truth and so did Sollux.

    " Yea.... my dad said there was a better hospital for Eridan and DualScar wanted his son to have a better chance of waking up." Sollux said as he grumbled, he had slept for the past week, everyday he visited Eridan. Getting glares from Cronus and DualScar.

    " That... is truly unfortunate" Kanaya had said, she wasn't really involved in the incident that happened, but she did feel responsible for not stopping the others. Eventually moving her hair out of her face as her eyes landed on Karkat and Sollux, both looked miserable as she knew Karkat had the reds for Eridan and so did Sollux.

    " We... We s-should at l-least make a card for E-eridan... The l-least we can d-do" Tavros mustered up as they all should be apologizing to the poor Ampora.
     Gamzee nodded his head as he looked off into the distance, he was Eridans cousin but didn't have strong connections to the male. Nepeta put her hand down looking at the ground as she wanted to cry but knew that this wasn't the right time to be crying.

    " We should.... I can deliver it to Eridan's family, my mom said since DualScar is leaving she is gonna have to do a long distance business relationship." Feferi said as everyone knew Feferi and Eridans parents were business partners and controlled most of the baking companies and jewelry companies in the area.

     " I agree with Feferi and Tavros, let us make a card. Maybe a present as well for Eridan. Something to show we care... and they we are sorry" Aradia finally speaked up. She had to admit she hated Eridan, but not because of who he was. But because she never got to talk to him, and get to know him.
None of them truly did, Karkat, Sollux, Feferi.. the closet people to Eridan didn't even know he could do this, yet here they were sitting in this group with all their friends.

    Vriska eventually stood up sighing " Why are you all sad, Eridan is alive, that is what is important. We need to do something for him, even if I didn't care much about him, we all owe him." She said honestly as Eridan had saved her from a ravage dog when they were just toddlers. All of them owed Eridan.

    " I must agree with Vriska, if Eridan wakes up, he would want to know we all were sorry, and we have his back" Terezi said as she went back to drinking a fizzy soda.

The group finally came together and started to talk this topic out. Equius said he and nepeta could handle making the gift card, and everyone agreed to make little letters to put into it. Kanaya said she could handle getting the present with Feferi and Sollux. Which left the rest to get the letters and planning done to get this to Eridan before he left them.

             — Wowza karkat and Sollux both like Eridan!!! Who would believe!!!—

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