Chapter 2- Weirdmentation

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Walking down the school hall in the morning was the usual for me,but today it wasn't. It started this morning, I woke with the urge to be pretty. I took so much time on myself and made sure I looked perfect. I don't know if I look perfect but do look different because everyone was either staring, glaring or giving me weird looks.

I took everything I needed as I headed to my first class,which was sadly...biology. I hate this subject! As I got in the class,I saw Jayra sitting where we usually sit,waving at me. I waved back and sat down.

"Wow,someone looks pretty today,you really took time hey?" She asked making me glare at her playfully. "Sorry."

"Whatever, I just wanted to look different." I say taking out my note book as the teacher walked in,with Tyan coming in at the exact same time. Making us stop talking. Everyone stopped talking.

"It's a good thing we have a new student in class, now Lacey and Jayra can be separated." My eyes widened and so did Jayra's." Jayra,sit at the back with John and Tyan with Lacey."

We both groaned as Tyan made his way to my table. As Jayra stood up Tyan put his books down and winked at her...say wha? He winked at her,why? See, she's prettier. For some reason that really hurt.

"Hey dolly," he smiles at me. I'd prefer a wink,why doesn't wink at me?

"Hey," I said a bit too low,I sound depressed. He gives me a weird look but just shrugs and concentrate in the lesson.

You know I thought he'd be one of those boys who don't like school but he was actually taking notes. Wait notes, I need to take notes but I'm busy staring at Tyan.

Oh my goshmentation, it felt forever! It's finally lunch I'm so freaking hungry,one of the reasons is the fact that I didn't feel like eating breakfast this morning. Something to do with missing my mom's pancakes, whatever I don't wanna think of that now.

"Yo Lacey, what up?" Tyan asks walking with me into the cafeteria.

"Nothing, just hungry," I say with excitement that he's near me but then I frown remembering that he winked at Jayra.

"You're frowning doll, tell me." He insists as I see Jayra sitting at our lunch table.

"It's none of your business so drop it,okay?" I say a bit too harsh,"sorry,just don't mind me."

I sit on the empty side of the bench expecting Tyan to do the same but...guess what this isn't one of those cheesy novels where the girl's crush sits next to her. He sat next Jayra making her frown and she came to sit near me.

"So,what's up?" I eye her like a hungry wolf,my favorite animal. "Geez,chill woman, I just asked a simplicity question."

"And I don't wanna answer," I rolled my eyes but soon regretted it. "I'm just thinking of my parents that's it,nothing big."

"Your mom called by the way, she said she tried to call you but you never picked up." She says but then Tason suddenly sits between me and Jayra.

"Ladies,thanks for making space for me,you're the best." I roll my eyes at the same time as Jayra. I really feel bad now,she did nothing but I'm being moody.

"Jay,remember the time you and Tason scared me during camp with bear costume?" I ask smiling at my best friends.

"Yeah,you peed in your shorts and took a stick and smacked my head and Tason's legs. That was painful and hilarious." Jayra laughed,me and Tason joining her.

"You should have seen your face," Tason said in between his laughter. That's when I realized that Tyan wasn't saying anything, he's not even here. Where'd he go so suddenly?

"Uh guys,where's Tyan?" I asked looking around.

"I dunno,probably around." Tason brushed it off like it's nothing. Geez....

After school I didn't what to do,so I decided to go home and watch Henry Danger,yes the one on Nickelodeon. You're never too old to watch that plus,I kinda have a tiny crush on Jace Norman who plays the role of Henry Hart A.K.A Kid Danger. Something interrupted my thoughts, more like someone.

"Hey doll," he said walking with me.

"Hey Ty, aren't you gonna go home?" I asked looking at his gorgeous orbs.

"Nope,I'm going to your house." He said making my eyes widen.

"What? No,I'm going to watch Henry Danger all day so'll be better if you go home." I said as my house came to view.

"I love that show,let's go. No questions asked." He said grabbing my hand and leading me to my house.....wait a minute, how does he know where I live?

"Hey,how do you know where I live?" I asked but he placed his finger on my lips making my lips shiver.

"Hush,no questions asked." Wow he really has pretty hair. He kinda fits the definition of perfect... Did I say kinda? I meant totally.

He's kinda weirdmentation,yeah I said that. I mean what would you think if the new guy at your school knew where you lived? I think he's a tomorrow person, you know from the show the tomorrow people? If you don't then you should watch it.

We watched TV all day but what was weird was that he kept touching his ear from time to time and fixing his watch.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom now," he said and got up before I could tell him where it was. Shrugging my shoulders I kept watching TV, I even forgot him for a while until he came back. Uhg,he interrupted the best part of the episode. Bloody monkey butt.

"What took you so long?" I asked thinking that he did his number two in the guest bathroom.

"Well....I got stuck and didn't wanna disturb your drooling over Jace Norman." I laughed so hard that I fell to the ground. Oh my goshmentation! He was stuck in the bathroom,I wish I could see his face,ha!

"Cmon,it ain't that funny doll!" He exclaimed looking anywhere but at me. "Anyways gotta bounce," he said checking the time and fiddling with his phone.

"Okay bye," I said not bothering to walk him to the door. I guess he didn't mind because he just went.

I got up and went to watch him disappear when I saw him standing talking on his pen with someone. Weird,I thought as I went back to sit.

My phone buzzed a few seconds later and I answered it. "Hey dad."

"Hello Tiara, just calling to check if you're okay," he said sweetly. Liar!

"I know you want me to go one of your parties, dad." He never really cares.

"Yeah, so... you up for it?" He asked as I went to my room.

"Whatever, I have no choice."

My phone rang again after I hung up on my dad. It was an unknown number, so I ignored it.

"Pick up the phone!" Someone yelled from outside.


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