could be kinda gory

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•Charles' pov•

OH GOD THE GAYTHOUGHTS™ ARE BACK! CHARLES, HE'S A DEAD MAN WALKING, LITERALLY! STOP IT, STOP IT! IT"S NOT LIKE HE ACTUALLY EVEN LIKE YOU< HE"S WAAAY OUTTA YOUR LEAGUE!! I mentally smash my head against a wall, I'm falling for a British zombie... Sammyboy leads me somewhere, "Sooo, we are we goin, Zombiboy?" He laughs at the nickname I gave him, "You'll need clothes right? Yea, and you can't fit anything I own, you're too tall!" He stretches out the word 'tall'. I nod, "I'm not that tall though..." I realize Samuel is about 7-8 inches shorter than myself. "....nevermind...." a squeak comes from the shorter boy. Aw, cute! "I'm not cute-" "wait I said that out loud?" he nods, "Anyway, we need to get you some clothes! you can't just wear that, it's all covered in blood and stuff!!" Samuel begins running and I do the same.

The shorter boy pulls me into the small clothing store, "hurry and get yourself some clothes, we don't have much time!" I roll my eyes and get a few things to change into. Once I've changed Sammy grabs my arm again and pulls me out of the store and he starts running. I follow him, I don't know my way around this town I'd just moved here, and now all of this shit... "Samuel, stop being so darn gay, you're dead, he's not! This isn't one of those crappy teen romance movies, like ewww twilight... This is real life, well not really life for you but- that's besides the point!...." Samuel continues to mumble, but I stop paying attention... Is he talking about me? nah, I doubt it, but then again I am the only survivor so far.... But still, why would he be talking about me?

Samuel stops suddenly, "what's wro-" I look up to see the scene unfolding in front of us. I didn't hear the screams before, why? there's so much blood and all these lifeless bodies laying across the street, they look disgusting ... I look at Samuel, he looks like he's about to faint. I pick him up, "Okay, let's not look at that any longer..." I quickly walk away from the gruesome scene, sparing poor Sam's mind from being scarred any further, this is gonna haunt him forever isn't it? I sigh finding a good, safe place to stay for the night. I sit Samuel down and take a seat next to him. "So, how'd you get bitten?" He shrugs, "I'm not actually sure, I was just working my shift at the coffee shop and I realized what was going on, but I guess it was too late... haha that what I get for not sleeping enough!" I nod, " I just barely made it out alive, I almost got bitten... god this is terrifying..." Sam hums in agreement, "Yeah, I just hope this ends well, I guess...." Samuel lays his head on my shoulder, he seems tired, waIT, DO ZOMBIES NEED SLEEP?!?

•3rd person pov•

Samuel begins thinking more GayThoughts as he softly lay his head against Charles. The taller boy starts to hum a song, as Samuel listens quietly. The humming quickly form into a voice- or rather singing, as Charles begins to softly sing the song (cough, the song). Samuel quietly sings along, his somewhat higher-pitched voice blending perfectly with Charles' singing. The taller male smiles a little as he continues to sing the song. Samuel sings with him, slightly louder taking over the male vocals.  the y continue like this until the song is over. "uh, you're a good singer!-" they mumble to each other at the same exact time. they both burst out laughing, with genuine smiles plastered across their faces. It was a pleasing sight, if anyone would've seen it. and for that moment everything in the world was okay.

but...... will that last?

// (646 words) oof, I'm already starting shit and it's only the second fucking chapter.... //

A Gory Love Story~ (Leebury)Where stories live. Discover now