My Sacrifice

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Chapter 29: My Sacrifice    (Last Chapter)    

(Reece’s POV)

Detroit, Michigan USA, 12:35 AM

I watched Lucy sleeping peacefully on her bed, curled on a ball and hugging the white fluffy bunny that’s almost her size. She looks just like the way she was before the past incidents came and poisoned her innocent human mind; pure, safe and with no care in the world.

The knot on the pit of my stomach and the pang of hopelessness in my heart worsened with the thought of her not knowing or seeing me in the same light ever again. Safe and sound; that’s how she always and forever needs to be.

I fought the tear that threatened to pierce out of my eye as I leaned closer to the glass window outside of her room, remembering the last time I was with her there. Those lovely moments of our subtle intimacy where I was able to look at her beautiful eyes and wrap her soft body in my arms. Those moments where I would kiss her voluptuous lips and tell her that she’s safe with me; that I love her with all that I am. Those little endearments and short talks.

All those things will forever be living in my heart, in my memory but not to hers.

After she was able to escape out of Azura that fateful night of her official addressing, I was left to weep for the consequences of my actions. If only I was more careful, Caleb wouldn’t find out about her. If only I was stronger, I could’ve fought and went back to Azura without her. Foolish of me to ever think that she’d sacrifice her mortality for the one thing I could only offer; my heart.

Now that all of my people and the neighboring kingdoms know, they will see to it that I abide the laws of my people and my kingdome with her life on the line.

It’s torture looking at her eyes when our paths collide at the hallways and the classrooms. Unlike before when her eyes were swimming with love for me, now there’s nothing, just cold emotionless glances and faint smiles of recognition. But somehow, it’s a relief. If her memories come back to her and the Kingdom receives news about it, they will again offer the throne to her and do the same thing when she refuses.

Erase her memories, or kill her for good. Elder Valtore used to say to me. No. Never, I’d rather do this sacrifice and be contented of her very existence than to see her die with the tragic memories of our love.

She stirs, rubs her eyes and opens them. She looks outside of the window and sees me. Yes, she sees me and the side of her beautiful luscious lips tilt upwards in a genuine smile. My heart raced as she opens the window and holds out her hand for me.

“What are you doing up there on that tree?” She asks with a tender voice as I walk carefully from the branch to her pale arms. “That’s it, come here. Good kitty.”

The End

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