6|I Don't Need You

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Shadow is upset to see Sonic like this and decide to go back home. Sonic quickly grab Shadow's hand"Shadow!!"Don't ever touch me!!... I don't need you anymore."Shadow turn around and walk away. Silver feels sad" Sonic...i'm sorry if I'm doing this wrong...I don't even know about it"Sonic heads turn blank he doesn't know what to do but to leave Silver."It's okay... I forgive you...Bye, Silver"Silver said goodbye to Sonic.

After Sonic arrives at home he tries to find shadow. Unluckily, he didn't find him but a piece of paper. Sonic reads.

Sonic...I Don't Need You Anymore. You Said You Would Be My Prince And Now...Those Words Are Just a Dream. Sonic...I Won't Find You Nor Meet You. It's Over.

Sonic feel sympathy to let Shadow go and never come back. He decides to go and meet Shadow. Why I suddenly crying? Those tears are coming out of my eyes. Am I really care about Shadow? Or this is just my heart wanna feel like this? I was such a monster.

"SHADOW!! Open the door!!"Sonic yells as he knocking hard on Shadow's door."GO AWAY!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!"Shadow yell. Sonic tries to apologize and start to cry. Shadow open the door and point his gun to Sonic's head"You should go back home and never meet me."Shads... I just wanna apologize to you.

I never love Silver...We're just friends."Why you always haunted me?!"Shadow asks."I never haunted you"Sonic tries to explain as he cries harder this time to make Shadow change his mind.  Shadow pull the trigger:  BANG!!"

Sonic's body paralyzed after hearing the gun."Why don't you just kill me?"Sonic eyes are colorless and turn into Dark Sonic.  The dark aura contaminates his body."Why don't you just KILLED ME!!"Sonic repeat and look at Shadow."Sonic...forgive me."You said you hate me now you said you want to forgive me?!"Sonic and Shadow fighting each other at Shadow's house. Shadow tries to make Sonic become normal."Shadow...you...always...make...me-"Shadow cut Sonic and start to hug him tightly.

I don't understand. Love is really hard. This is what's happen when we love somebody else and we have to fight this feeling... I'm so sorry. I try my best to fight this feeling. Why...you won't understand?

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