Chapter 33 - Forsythe

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Less than an hour later, Denton, Admiral Hozera and a few marines boarded Admiral Hozera's personal transport and set course for the Forsythe Orbital Complex. With Leah still in surgery, Hozera insisted he accompany Denton. He had connections to the Forsythe family and had met Jonythan himself on several occasions on official military business. A familiar face might make the meeting go smoother, Hozera had argued. Denton had no objection. He was, after all, just the guest and had little choice in the matter. He learned from Tanner's digging around that Forsythe Industries was a major supplier of both military and non-military materials. He couldn't help but wonder if the real reason Hozera was tagging along was to ensure that those relationships were not impacted negatively by Denton's investigation.

Through the cockpit window, Denton caught his first glimpse of the Forsythe Orbital Complex. Shaped like a drop of water, the main feature of the complex was a wide, transparent dome at the bottom of the drop shape that faced Earth. The upper side of the complex consisted of various other support structures. Admiral Hozera pointed out the propulsion system that was used to reposition the complex as needed and the hangar used for incoming and outgoing shuttles, such as their own. It was a marvel of engineering, affordable to very few. The Forsythe's were obviously among those few. The orbital complex alone spoke to the wealth of the Forsythe's.

Moments later they received clearance to land, and they waited in silence while the pilots docked. Once safely inside the hangar and hooked up to the life support systems of the complex, they disembarked the shuttle. The reception area was more luxurious than anything Denton had seen, on Earth or Proxima b. Marble, thick rugs, soft leather couches, lush flowers, and even small trees made up the half-circular area. The seating area was arranged around an open firepit, where a small fire burned. The left whole side of the room was occupied by an aquarium with a variety of tropical fish. On the right, a small bar, complete with a robotender at the ready, mixing drinks as if a crowd was about to descend on the room. A man in a white suit greeted them as they entered the room.

"Greetings. My name is Jefford Quinsby. You may call me Quinsby. I am Mr. Forsythe's personal assistant. Admiral, it's a pleasure to meet you again. Mr. Forsythe has been looking forward to this occasion."

"Thank you, Quinsby. May I introduce an associate of mine, Denton Staxx. He's come all the way from Proxima b to visit Earth."

"Oh, Proxima b," Quinsby said, his eyebrows raised as he shook Denton's hand with a smile. "How fascinating. I hope you have found your visit to Earth welcoming?"

"Thank you, yes, it has been most enlightening," Denton said, resisting the impulse to spill the details about his recent encounter on the surface.

"That is wonderful indeed. Well, gentlemen, Mr. Forsythe is expecting you in his study, after which he has invited you for dinner if such arrangements are suitable?"

"Of course," Admiral Hozera said and nodded. "I'm sure Mr. Staxx would love to experience an authentic Terran meal."

Quinsby bowed with a smile and gestured for them to follow him. Denton threw a longing look towards the bar as they left the reception area and followed Quinsby out of the hangar and reception area and into the inner part of the complex. They entered an elevator and ascended up through the structure. They emerged into a large, open lobby, built with glass on a skeleton of steel. It rose several stories above them and was lush with greenery all the way from the floor to the top of the structure. Denton heard the unmistakable tweets of birds and saw several chasing each other through the higher reaches of the lobby.

"Mr. Forsythe is partial to natural light. The more, the better, thus the glass. It helps redirect the outside light," Quinsby said over his shoulder as he led them through the lobby and through a set of revolving doors. Denton froze as soon as they stepped into a large courtyard, his eyes fixed on the unobstructed view of Earth visible above him. Stretching almost all the way horizontally across the dome, he felt as if he could reach out and touch it. The various bodies of water and the green and brown landmasses were clearly visible, obscured only in part by swirling cloud patterns. He regretted that he didn't know more about the various continents of Earth to be able to truly appreciate what he was seeing.

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