Sacre Bleu

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I've had an amazing time growing into my beauty. I'm pleased at how I can flaunt my beautiful coils of patience. Though they look short, shriveled up and dead does not mean thst it is so. I'm the epitome of divinity. Being the best beautiful golden woman that I am. I appreciate my tight curls. My attitude the perfect amount of sass.  A pinch of bite back. My smooth talk. The off-beat sway in my walk. Cos I'm me and that's the only destination I'm trying to reach. Haven't ever had a relationship with anyone. Scared to show my flaws and haven't run into anyone worthy enough to see me for who I'm not trying to be. No walls. No shades so you can't see into my heart. Just us. No Mom. No dad. No friends talking about how I Aint got a fat. ...peach. None of my girls. Just us pen and paper. Looks. Smiles. Holding hands. Cuddling. Picking each other's brains. Laughing. Freezing. Got on a gazillion clothes yet I'm still naked. With no need, no want, no will to even fake it! Is this what Ella mai was talking about. I just want to see you naked.

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