Talkings to Self

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 Sometimes I feel like I've lost my creativity. Like, I try to be 

 SO different from everyone else that we all end up just the same:


Who am I without the facade?

 And why am I so afraid for everyone to see me raw and unfiltered?

 Is it my own light that scares me?

Is it the fear of hatred?

Well, dang girl. I guess I better tell you.

 People are gone hate you for who you're pretending to be and who you're not.

So, you might as well go down winning, being who you are?

How do I find out who that is, though?

God, Girl! Stand up on the word

Date yourself

 read your word and find out why you're offended by what God said.

Did you hear him correctly?

Did you read it with the right set of eyes?

Did you ask for understanding?

Did you ask for discernment?

  Man, get yourself together!

Talk to your Creator because just being yourself,

 just like everybody else,

might just set you apart.

'Cos there ain't nobody else who can  BE you but YOU

and who you are IS enough,

not the extra

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