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Hyorin's POV

I woke up by the sunlight hit my face.

I was shocked that i'm at someone's room, i sat and look around.

Then I realized that i'm at Jungkook's room.

I panicked, I was about to open the door when someone held my wrist slammed me on the wall.

I close my eyes tightly because of scared, and i heard him chuckled.

"You're so cute." He stated while showing his bunny teeth.

"Aish, stop it." I said and pushed him then i get out.

I'm blushing so hard, WTF!

I heard him laughing, then he shouted.

"Clean the house Tzuyu is coming here!" He shouted.

I just sigh and rolled my eyes then do my morning routine.

After i wear those i tied ny hair to the high ponytail and i wear my glasses

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After i wear those i tied ny hair to the high ponytail and i wear my glasses.

Then i go downstairs to cook for breakfast, After i cooked the ramen, I go to knock to his room and tell him that breakfast is ready.

"Jungkook breakfast is ready." I said then Jungkook opened his door and smiled.

I smiled back and go to downstairs while he following me.

I go to the kitchen to get the ramen and placed it on the dining table.

After that i take a seat infront if him and eat silently.

Then suddenly i broke the silence.

"Jungkook?" I called him.

He hummed in response while eating his ramen.

"Can i ask you?" I asked.

He looked at me and nod.

"Why you suddenly change? I mean yesterday you were scary and now you're being kind to me?" I asked him.

He just looked at me and blink many times.

"Actually I don't know too." He stated while eating again his ramen.

"Can i go to my parents house?" I asked his permission.

"Why?" He asked.

"Be-because i want to get my stuff and replace here at me room, cause you know, my room is empty." I said while eating my ramen.

"You don't need to." He said.

"Why?" I looked at him confused.

"We can just buy online and they will deliver it." He said.

"What is the problem if i go to my parents' house?" I asked him.

"They will think that you don't have any furniture in this house." He said while looking down.

Jungkook's POV

After we finish eating she washed the dishes.

"Go to my room after that." He said.

She nodded while washing the dishes.

I go to my room and I get my laptop on my desk and opened it.

Suddenly i heard a knock i know it is Hyorin.

"Come in" I said then she go inside but she just standing at the corner.

I pulled her wrist and lead her to my bed then we sat at the edge of it.

"Okay let's start" i said.

"Uh do you have work?" She asked.

"It's weekend right?" I asked her and I chuckled.

"Oh yeah right I forgot" she said while looking down.

I see a Queen size bed.

"What about this?" I asked her and she nodded.

-After 30 minutes later-

We all done.

"Thank you Jungkook." She said while walking through the door.

But I'm following her.

"WTH are you doing?" She gave me a confused look.

"Following you duh" i said while rolling my eyes playfully.

we go downstairs to clean the house.

Back to Hyorin's POV

I was searching for the broom and dust pan.

I see it at the corner of the kitchen when Jungkook hold it too.

I sent a death glare to him and he did too.

The two of us are fighting against the broom and dust pan.

Aish this boi.

I pulled it hardly and we fell on the floor.

He is in top of me, I was shocked but i didn't move even a single muscle.

He smirked while looking up and down at me.

"Yah! BYUNTAE!!!" I shouted while trying to escape.

But he grabbed the both of my hands and placed it above of my head.

He lean closer.......

"J-jebal" i said while sobbing.

"Oh sorry." He said while looking down blushing?!

He stand up and offered his hand to me.

I accepted it, then we made an eye contact for too long then I realized that he came closer.

But my body doesn't do anything.

Then i felt his lips connected in mine.

I feel so shocked this is my 2nd kiss.

He kiss me passionately.....

Hey Gentlemen, Wait a minute🎤

Belated Happy Birthday Min Yoongi 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Sorry for an late update i hope you all understand.

Summer is coming i'm very very very excited 😆.

I'm going to be free in that Hell(A.K.A SCHOOL)✌️

Ch. 13, DoNe

Bye 👋


•••••••••••••••••••(PICTURE OF THE DAY)

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