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Hyorin's POV

"What the hell, Are you kidding me?!" I shouted.

"No! I'm serious.!" He shouted back.

I just stay quiet.

"So answer me who's that guy?" He said calmly while caressing my hand.

"M-my-" I stuttered.

"You're what?" He shouted.

"MY BOYFRIEND!" I shouted back.

Then it opens, so we stayed quiet because this two old couple enter.

They are around 60 idk.

"Are you two arguing?" The old woman spoke.

We just said 'No' at the same time.

"Are you two sure?" The old man asked.

We just nodded until they go out at the ground floor.

I was about to go out but Jungkook held my wrist preventing me to leave the elevator.

"What do you want!" I yelled.

"I need to talk to you at my room." He said while holding my hands.

I'm trapped now.

We came at his room and i sat at the couch, He sat next to me then i just give space because we're too close.

"What do you want to talk about!" I asked while looking down.

"About that guy." He said.

"What about him?" I asked him and i met his eyes.

"Did you just met him?" He asked.

I nodded while looking away.

"Look at me." He said while slowly grabbed my chin to faced him.

"Where and When did you met him." He asked while looking at me.

He's looking at my soul.

"This morning at the ground floor while i'm eating." I said while looking at him.

My heart, BOOM BOOM.

"Why do you trust him easily?" He said.

"Because he's different from you!" I yelled.

He just froze.

"I gotta go now." I said and i was about to leave but he grabbed my wrist and he...........


I just froze at my spot and suddenly i kissed him back.

I wrapped my arms into his shoulder and he pulled me closer like there's no space between us.

But when he's tongue is about to enter I quickly pulled away and pushed him.

"This is wrong." I mumbled while shaking.

"What do you mean i'm your husband." He said.

I ran to leave but he back hugged.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled while i felt a tear dropped in shoulder.

Sorry? What the heck! How many times did he going to do that again and again? Tbh I'm tired.

I faced him and grabbed his face while caressing it.

Then suddenly i pushed his chest and slapped him.

I leave him there dumbfounded.

I go to the ground floor while holding my tears.

Forced To My Bully (J.JK) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now