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Jungkook's POV

I woke by the sunlight hitting my face.

I checked if Tzuyu is beside me.

"Stupid, she's on a sleepover." I mumbled.

Then I get up and go to the bathroom to take a shower.

I want to admire her room again so i enter.

Clothes on the floor?

I was shocked to see Tzuyu laying on the bed with a guy, they're both wrapped by the same blanket, i know they're naked.

My eyes blurred because of the tears, as I sobbed quietly.

I held my mouth so that they won't hear me but it's too late, Tzuyu sat and see me crying.

"Oppa i'll explain." she jumped off the bed nakedly and hugged me.

"We're drunk Oppa, it's just hot-" she stated but I pushed her away and slapped her.

She was shocked on my sudden action and held her cheek that has red mark of my hands.

"How dare you to cheat on me." I gritted my teeth.

"No oppa-" i cutted her again.

I ran to punch that guy again and again till Tzuyu pulled me and she hugged the guy who had bloody face.

"You two, GET.OUT.OF.MY.HOUSE." I yelled.

The both of them stood up and picked their clothes while me I go to my room to packed her things.

I walked out with her luggage and i walk downstairs and see the both of them sitting on the couch looking down.

"Here, we're done." I stated.

"Oppa please no." She kneeled infront of me.

"WE'RE.DONE." I said.

She stood up and slapped me then she pulled the guy and they left.

I sat down and call my assistant that to tell her that i'm sick and I cannot go to my office.

Hyungs are right.

I was so stupid and not to believe them.

I hurt Hyorin and my hyungs.

I need my hyungs right now.

I messaged in our groupchat.

Me: I was so stupid.

V👽: Oh you chatted 😱

Me: Hyung I'm serious.

Jin🎀: Why? Tell us.

Me: i broke up with Tzuyu this day.

Jimin👅: Tsk! We warned you 😏

J-Hope🐴: Right.👍

V👽: LeFt 👈

J-Hope🐴: What the?!

RM🧠: tell us why you broke up with her, top to bottom.

Me: i woke up and go to Hyorin's room but i see Tzuyu sleeping on Hyorin's bed with a guy, she was about to explain to me when i pushed her and slapped her, and i said to her that we're done then she slapped me and the both of them left.

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