Chapter Seven

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Ayano's POV:

When I hugged Budo, I just felt safe and complete. I don't want to let him go, I just can't see myself letting him go.

For the first time in my entire life, I smiled for real and also infront of Budo, the man I love.

I really do love him, my heart beats fast and my cheek just becomes red all of a sudden.

I can really change just because of a guy. He can really make me complete even without my yandere side coming out of my little yet delicate mask.

"Are you okay?", he asked

I just nodded and smiled at him

I hugged him again, I really felt complete.

"Let's go home, I'm tired already", I said to him

He hold my hand, never thinking that we were going to skip our different classes.

My heart did change, for better and for worse but what will I do to protect him from other girls?

My phone vibrated, I grabbed and opened, there I saw that there was a message from someone that I need to forget, Taro.

Taro: Ayano, if you want to protect your image to everyone at school, you have to do excatly as I say.

Damn, he already knows! I'm done for it!

Ayano: What?

Taro: You just have to sabotage and one day kill your beloved Budo Matsuta

I didn't have the courage to reply. What should I do?

Then I felt someone pinch my nose, I forgot that Budo was there.

"Who are you texting Ayano?" he asked me

My mind was spinning, I can't think of an answer. Should I tell it was Taro? I should...

"I-it was o-only K-kokona, y-you don't h- have to w-wor-ry" I lied to him

Damn! Wrong answer!

He just nodded and we just walked silently. We finally reached my place.

"So Ayano, I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked, breaking up the silence between us

I just nodded and went inside. That was a little cold, I'll just apologize to him tomorrow. Right now, I need to think.

What should I even do?

Let your reputation be corrupt and don't hurt Budo, the man you love?
Hurt Budo, stand side by side with Taro and your reputation will stay the same.

What will I choose?

Then I heard my phone vibrated, I saw that it was a message from Budo.

Budo: Hey! Sorry if I've done anything wrong, I'll make it up for you. Anything,okay?

I just couldn't hurt him. I don't even care when the school finds out and have a chance for me to be expelled.

Then while I was thinking I heard my doorbell, so I went and opened it and I was shocked when I saw him.

"Hey Ayano! Can I talk to you just for a few minutes? Can I go in?"

My eyes couldn't believe it, he's here!

I invited him to go in.

Taro is here!

Taro's POV:

"What are you doing here, Taro?" she asked me

"I need to speak with you" I said to her

Then the air was filled with silence for a while then I decided to break it

"I know you like Budo but are you willing to sacrifice your own reputation for that boy?" I asked

"Yes" she replied

My ears couldn't believe on what they've heard. She's willing to sacrifice everything just for him.

"I'll give you 3 weeks to think about it, until then goodbye" I said

I walked out of her house and left her.

Back to Ayano's POV:

What? What should I even do?

I can't think well, this is all my fault.

What should I do? What should I even pick?

A life full of happiness and adventure or a life full of guilt and despair?

Budo Matsuta, the man I truly love or Taro Yamada, the man I once called senpai and the man I hate the most?

A clean reputation and losing Budo or a chance of me being expelled but it was worth it because I have Budo?

What should I choose? I just can't.

My emotionless mask is begginning to break as I felt tears running down in my face.

I don't know...

What should I even do?

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