1. A Cry Of Help

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This story is based on all the Shadowhunters books, written by Cassandra Clare, up until Queen of Air and Darkness (I started writing this when I read Lord of Shadows, so there are some things that don't add up at first). It is a mix of events that actually happened in the books and events that I imagine COULD happen based on what I've read so far.  So... if you haven't read all the books I recommend you do since there are a lot of spoilers in this chapter. However, there will be less spoilers in the following ones.

Or read at your own risk. You have been warned.


Kit liked going to Alicante, but he hated going to Clave meetings.

It didn't matter what Ty would say they'd do once they got to the City of Glass, being in a room full of  Nephilim always felt like a punishment. They would spend hours and hours talking about issues that had nothing to do with him, but he had to be there for Ty. His parabatai had a rough time since his twin sister died, but over the past five years he had become more stable. Kit didn't want to take any credit, but he knew that becoming Ty's parabatai had been a huge part of his recovery since he never could forgive himself for rejecting being Livvy's.

"Jules says it'll start in five minutes."

As always, Kit had come with the entire Blackthorn family; Octavian, Drusilla, Ty, Mark, Helen, Julian and, of course, Emma. It had been weird at first to see Julian and Emma dating, but he knew it had to be even weirder for the younger Blackthorns since they were technically seeing their brother date who was a sister to them all. Eventually, everyone acted as if it was meant to happen, and the weirdness disappeared.

"What's taking so long?" Asked Dru.

Kit remembered when he met Dru for the first time. It seemed it was ages ago when she had been so troubled about her weight, but now she's proud of who she is and Kit can't help but feel happy for her. At the end, it all went to Dru's favor. She may say that she still needs to lose some weight here and there, but whatever overweight she claims she has it has gone to the right places. Kit had seen many female shadowhunters in his life, but none had the same curves Dru had.

Octavian ruffled his hair and sighed. "I don't know, and I don't like waiting."

Octavian had been just a child when Kit met him. Now, he was almost Kit's age back then but looked just as old as Kit was right now. He had to curse the Blackthorn gene since it apparently makes everyone more attractive the older they get. Octavian, now preferred to be called Tav, was taller than Kit and his dark brown curls and bright blue-green eyes made more than one nephilim melt; male and female alike. Kit often found himself starring at the young Blackthorn and asking himself if he had ever been that seven year old boy that had to be carried to his room for bedtime.

"Maybe Emma is distracting him," Kit found himself saying out loud.

Ty chuckled, even though he was wearing his headphones and looking at his phone screen. Kit loved that sound.

"Wouldn't be the first time," said Tav, a little annoyed.

"Hey, you're talking about Emma," Dru dabbed him on the forehead. "So turn it down. We all know you love the Clave meetings but there's nothing we can do if they're not ready."

Kit was sure that Tav was the only Nephilim, at least the only young one, that loved coming to the Clave meetings. It had all been a deal made by Julian since Tav wasn't old enough to go inside the Council Hall. "We all come in, or none of us do", Julian had said, so the Clave allowed that one exception based on all the things the Blackthorns had done for the them and as a way of apologizing for what they had done to their family. Tav would always go off saying something about how much he loved to hear the stories of other Nephilim around the world. His face always lights up when talking about the subject, and Kit knew him well enough now to know that once Tav starts talking about other Institutes there's no break pedal.

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