Ch. 25-Why Logic?

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.Jollie's POV.
We got to Felix's home and he went straight to his room with no word and SLAMED THAT DOOR! Sorry. Hanging with Felix really gets to me.

Cry and I leaned agenst his door to hear what he was saying:
"Oh, Marzia. Why did you have to leave me? I miss you. I miss being loved. I shouldnt have let you leave my side."
after hearing those words, I stopped listening. If he didn't let her leave, I wouldn't have developed these feelings for him. I would be on my own or a slave with Jorden. Maybe Joey would still live. But if he didn't let her leave, he wouldn't like me.
His feelings sure made me cry because I hurt me. Yeah, he knew her first and loved her first. But...I...Logic is a piece of crap. Logic is a son of a gun. Logic of love sucks.
School started.
Short chapter.
very sorry.
Luv ya?
That doesn't work.
I know.
Logic is a son of a gun.

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