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"Oh shit," Mitch yelped as he looked at the nearly naked man in front of him. He clapped his hands over his face and turned around quickly. "I'm sorry. I thought everyone was gone."

"No big deal," the tall blonde said as he leaned over to pull on a pair of sweats before dropping the towel that was previously around his waist. "I was just running some drills, I guess the rest of the guys are gone. You seem a little lost though."

"Uhhh...yea, I'm trying to find my dad." The brunette said, hands still blocking his eyes though his back was turned.
"I've got on pants, you can turn around now." 

Mitch rotated slowly, a shy smile appearing on his face as he looked up at the man who's perfect pecs were still glistening from the shower.

"Your dad? What's his name and maybe I can help you?"
"Mike, Mike Grassi."
"As in the team owner?"
"The very one. I'm Mitch Grassi."
"Well damn. I can point you to his office. Just let me grab a shirt and my bag first."
"Yea, please cover up before I start to drool." Mitch hoped the the other guy hadn't heard him but the smirk that found his face said otherwise.

A locker slammed before the blonde jerked his head and instructed Mitch to follow him. They didn't speak much on the short journey through the various hallways under the arena. Mitch mumbled something about how it was very much like the catacombs in Paris. The tall blonde replying that there were less dead bodies at American Airlines Center. Soon they stood out front of a large wooden door that held Mitch's father's name. Mike called out a come in before Mitch pushed the door open.

"Son, you're early. I thought we were meeting out front?"
"No dad. You're late. Like over an hour."
"Damn, I'm sorry Mitchie. I lost track of time."
"It's okay. Mr.... umm, I never got your name." He spoke turning to the blonde.
"Hoying, Scott Hoying."
"Scott Hoying, you're the rookie that everyone has been talking about. Why didn't I recognize you?"
"Might be the hairstyle. Or it might be because you seemed a little, uhh, distracted."
"Hoying is our new center. He is a dominate one on the court that's for sure."
"Well, thank you sir."
"Just keep up the good work, maybe we'll have a chance of beating OKC in the game next week."
"I plan on it."
"Well, get out of here Hoying it's late, get some rest."
"Bye Mr. Grassi, see you later Mitch." There was a definite chance he imagined it but Mitch could have sworn he saw a spark in those blue eyes.
"You ready son? Son?"
"Huh? Oh yea, dinner sounds great."
"Don't even start looking at him Mitchell. He's 22, you're 16. Plus he's got his NBA career to focus on and you have school and dance."
"Yes sir, I wasn't."
"Sure you weren't." Mike rolled his eyes as he locked his office, escorting his son back through the hallways.

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