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Love lots -AV

Scott walked into his apartment located the heart of the city. He threw his bag on the floor by the entry way and kicked off his shoes before making his way into the kitchen. He poured himself a generous glass of recovery protein shake to help after his post practice workout then he settled onto one of the stools at the bar.

"Dude, thought you were coming home after you talked to the trainer." Matt, his roommate and best friend, said, rounding the corner from his bedroom.
"Planned on it but then started running drills and just lost track of time.... Then I ran into Grassi's son."
"Oh yea. How was that?"
"He just wanted help finding his dad's office. He was standing there when I got outta the shower."
"So he saw you all naked?"
"I had a towel on. Though it seemed like he wished I didn't."
"I heard from Kev that he plays for that team?"
"What team? He's too short to even play forward."
"I meant the gay team Hoying. Damn you are blonde."
"Why do you think I used to dye it dark? I got so many blonde jokes in high school. And I wasn't even that dumb."
"I know Hotwing. You graduated from Duke with honors which is something unheard of for a a stupid, blonde, jock... blah blah blah. You've told me."
"I worked my ass off for that degree. On top of playing some of the best ball of my life those four years."
"So I've heard. What are you doing for dinner? Kevin and Avi asked us to go out since we don't have practice tomorrow."
"Sure, just let me shower again and change."

Scott stepped into the shower and breathed out deeply, letting the water run over his sore muscles. The shower back at the arena got the job done, but his shower worked miracles for his aching body. Honestly, it was the bathrooms that had sold him and Matt both on this apartment. The great view of the city and the spacious balcony weren't bad either though.

Scott let his mind drift as he relaxed under the spray. Soon he was picturing the next game. He did this often, imagining what could and should happen, reflecting on a game that had yet to occur. However, tonight was different.

He still pictured himself playing in the silver and blue jersey. But he wasn't so focused on what was happening on the court. There was a voice that stood out against the cheering. Scott shook his head, clearing away of the thoughts he was having. He quickly rinsed the conditioner from his hair before jumping out of the shower and getting ready to go.


"So Mitchy, how was school?"
"Good. I got selected to be in the showcase this year."
"That's fantastic son! I'm so proud of you."
"Yea, I'm excited. I get to choreograph my own number and everything."
"I cannot wait to see it."
"Are you really going to come?"
"Of course."
"You don't even know when it is."
"Well... "
"What if it was doing All-Star week or during the finals and the team had made it?"
"Still would be there for you. You're most important."
"Thanks daddy," Mitch said smiling.
"So let's celebrate, Jalisco Norte?"
"Yes please, I could go in on some Mexican food right now!"

Mike laughed as he started the car and head out to the restaurant. He and his son continued to chat to about the upcoming showcase which was thankfully was not scheduled to interfere with any of the teams games and events. He was serious when he told Mitch he'd skip it for him, but it would have been hard to leave the team even for the night. Mitch had went on and on about narrowing down music choices, how he had chosen contemporary for his genre, how he had been watching his favorite dancers over and over and over on Youtube until he was sure that the majority of the views were from him.

Mike loved seeing Mitch get so excited over dance. It took a lot of getting used to when the boy hated basketball and pretty much all other sports that involved any kind of ball. Football, soccer, volleyball, lacrosse, they tried them all and Mitch hated every single one. However, when the boy discovered dance at the age of six, it was all over. Mike had switched rolls, from being a basketball dad to being a dance dad with some difficulty. But he'd always said he'd support his kids no matter what and he planned on sticking to that. He didn't falter when Mitch came out last year, instead he hugged him and wiped away his tears before kissing his forehead. The man had seen what worthless parents were. His own father disowned him for marrying Mitch's mom, the love of his life, just because her "pedigree" didn't align with his. He was determined to do better by his own children. It all worked out in the end, Mike got a degree in sports management and build an empire, the current crown jewel of which was his purchase of the Dallas Mavericks.

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