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Love lots -AV

Kirstie's reply came almost instantly.

Not sure but he's been seen a lot with that red head girl, the Youtuber makeup guru.
Nic, her channel is LipstickNic
That's her
Are they dating though
Idk, they are according to twitter and insta but neither has commented
Any particular reason you're asking about tall, blonde, and handsome?
Nope, none at all

Mitch didn't reply, figuring he had already been in the bathroom too long. He put his phone away, did his business, and left the bathroom after washing his hands. When he got back to his table his dad was already chomping down on chips and the house made salsa that everyone loved. He sat back in his chair not surprised to find a glass of pink lemonade and a cup of water.

"Jose knows me so well."
"Well you and Kirstin have been friends since you were in diapers and he married Anglica when y'all were two so he's been there your whole life son."
"I know. He like my second dad, not that anyone would ever come close to replacing you..."
"I know what you mean. And I'm glad that you and your mother would have someone to turn to if something happened to me, someone to take care of you two."
"So I saw Scott and what I'm assuming were some other players from the team."
"You did. They came over and spoke while you were away from the table."
"Ahhh, that's nice of them."
"Probably just didn't want to make a bad impression. I am the boss after all."
"That's true dad. So when is the next game?"
"The season opener is next week against Oklahoma."
"Ummm... think you could get me and Kit tickets?"
"Tickets. Since when do you watch basketball?"
Mitch stuttered before answering, "I-I just want to spend time observing your hard work daddy. Is that so wrong?"
Mike eyed him, seeing through the facade. "It's not. But what is wrong is the fact that you and Kirstin are just going to ogle at the players. And I'm stating this again in case you didn't understand it the first time. He's six years older than you and that would be classified at statutory rape. That boy has a bright future ahead of him and you aren't going to ruin it Mitchell. I love you too much to let you drag yourself down with some scandal. Yes, I will get you tickets, but if I see you around Hoying there's going to be hell to pay."
"You don't even know he's gay dad. And besides, even if he was, he wouldn't want me."
Mike's expression softened. "You're more gorgeous that you give yourself credit for Mitchie. And you will find a nice, age appropriate, young man in time."

Before Mitch could make another comment a waiter placed their food down on the table, he refilled their drinks, before turning back to the kitchen.


Scott was sitting with his teammates waiting for their food when Avi brought up the small brunette.

"So Scottie, how do you know Grassi's son?"
"Oh, uhh, well, he was in the locker room after practice when I came out of the shower. He was looking for his dad's office so I helped him."
"Well, he looked at you like he wanted to jump you." The other boys agreed laughing along with the bearded man.
"He's just a kid guys. Even if I was gay, he's in high school."
"Damn, jailbait."
"Exactly, and I've got things to do this season. I can't be worrying about dating anyone."
"Things like what," Kevin asked.
At the same time Matt chimed in with a "too bad, my friend Lindsey wanted to meet you and she's hot dude."
"I have things like making sure this team makes it through the playoffs and has a fighting chance at winning. And I'm sorry I just don't want to date right now."
"You haven't dated anyone in years Scottie," Matt continued, "you didn't see anyone the entire time we were at Duke. And I only remember you mentioning one girl during high school. Betsy? Bethany?"
"Betty. And we dated for like a year and half but when she got into UCLA and I signed for Duke we broke it off. I still talk to her occasionally. And I hang out with Nic all the time."
"But you haven't hooked up with anyone that I know of. I'm your best friend dude. I worry about you."
Scott blew out a ragged breath, becoming annoyed with their questions. "I just don't want to date right now. I'm focused on my career and being the best fucking player I can be. I appreciate your concern for my love life but damn, just drop it. Okay?"
The three mumbled an "okay" before glancing down at the table. It was perfect timing that their plates arrived and the group began eating in near silence for a few minutes before Kevin mentioned the game next week and the conversation turned to a discussion of strategies and tactics that would serve them best.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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